Thanks to author Sharon Creech for giving us this gem to hold in anticipation and for the tweet.
Here is (in my opinion) a great response to the restraints being leveled against the reading rights of our students, Reading Rants: Get Those Readers Out Of the Box.

Thanks to fifth grade teacher extraordinaire and blogger at Read, Write, Reflect, Katherine Sokolowski for this tweet.

Thanks to Richard Byrne for this tweet and many others constantly.
Scroll through the Smithsonian Education page titled Mr. President: Profiles of Our Nation's Leaders containing a quote and short list of facts for each.
Get ready for the celebration for Read Across America with these multiple links: Seusville, 11 Seuss-gestions, Read Across America song, Reader's Oath, and try these recipes.
Author/illustrator Loreen Long has created a character near and dear to his fans' hearts, Otis the Tractor. Here is the book trailer for the newest installment in a charming series.
The 100th Toy Fair was held in New York City this month. Check this out---By the Dozen at Toy Fair: Top Library Picks.
Remember to mark your calendars for School Lunch Superhero Day in May. Head to this link for more information.
This is always fun to do with students, Bank Street CCL Announces Irma Black Award, Cook Prize Finalists. To the first person who can tell me how many Irma Black Award finalists there are this year and name one of them in a DM on Twitter or in the comments section I will send a copy of I Haiku You by Betsy E. Snyder. (I have two copies of this to give away and both have been won.)

Thanks to John Schumacher, teacher librarian, 2011 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. for these tweets.
Thanks to School Library Journal for this resource and tweet.
Don't forget this Sunday, February 24th at 8PM EST Colby Sharp and guest, Katherine Sokolowski will be hosting #titletalk on Twitter. The topic will be historical fiction.

Thanks for this tweet goes to Donalyn Miller, educator and author of The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child.

Here's a great post, The Case for Digital Citizenship in Schools.
Thanks to teacher librarian and blogger at The Styling Librarian, Debbie Alvarez, currently in Hong Kong, for these tweets and this post.
One can't help but get goosebumps after reading this post Twitter Connections: Curious George and Aristides de Sousa Mendes regarding the creators of Curious George, H. A. Rey and Margaret Rey.

Thanks for this post and tweet go to Teresa Rolfe Kravtin, blogger at A Rep Reading and southeast publisher rep.

Thanks to an amazing teacher and blogger at Maria's Melange, Maria Selke, for this post and tweet.
For author John Green's fans this is indeed the best of the best news---'The Fault in Our Stars' Movie Lands Director.

Thanks to John Green for this tweet.
This is Mo Willem's reaction to the winning of his recent Geisel Award.
Thanks to the Association for Library Service to Children for this tweet.
Her impact in the world of children's and young adult literature will never fade. This week she's in the news---At 75, Judy Blume draws crowds with first film adaption.
Thanks to author, Ellen Potter for this tweet.
Loads of extras for Gary Schmidt's Okay for Now courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Younger Readers. Thanks for this tweet.
In case you need ideas for using Thinglink for Education head on over to this bag of goodies. Wow!

Thanks to Donna Baumbach, retired professor, for this tweet.

Thanks for this tweet and this comprehensive list.

Thanks to Julie Danielson at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast for this tweet.

Thanks to the Children's Book Council for this tweet.
I will never forget reading A Monster Calls...never. It is the first book to win both the Carnegie Medal and the Kate Greenaway Medal. This is a wonderful interview with the illustrator Jim Kay.
Thanks to author Patrick Ness (A Monster Calls) for this tweet.
This is a gathering of some of the things I really enjoyed reading this week. I hope you do too.
You are your child's entire universe for years. A parent's job is to ensure they fall in love w/ a larger world, … & break your heart.
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) February 16, 2013
Finished tax meeting. I felt like I just survived the Hunger Games
— Dan Santat (@dsantat) February 17, 2013
Saw this, think it applies to @paulwhankins @donalynbooks @cbethm @loveofxena @mrschureads @colbysharp ? twitter.com/ProfessorNana/…
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) February 17, 2013
"We offer student readers more choice in the lunch line than we do when we limit them with lexiles & levels." bit.ly/YzBJwL
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) February 17, 2013
Someone knitted a hat and a sweater for the Cat in the Hat. Looks like something @amedyckman would do. twitter.com/MrSchuReads/st…
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) February 17, 2013
.@hmjensen31 With all the lovely teachers and librarians behind me, can you see why my stories are full of hope? I am so, so lucky.
— Kirby Larson (@KirbyLarson) February 18, 2013
You know. . .even a grocery store recognizes the importance of having the best person in each department. How do schools miss this example?
— Paul W. Hankins (@PaulWHankins) February 18, 2013
No special occasion, but I take this moment to thank my Twitter PLN for inspiring me daily! Being connected helps me do better work.
— Cynthia Alaniz (@utalaniz) February 19, 2013
This particular tweet and the link to a post filled me with great joy.
It's Treat Tuesday!wp.me/p301vH-7J@laurelsnyder @mrschureads @loveofxena #TreatTuesday #Nerdybookclub #booklove
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@NikiOhsBarnes) February 19, 2013
She Reads Books As One Would Breathe Air, To Fill Up and Live — So true. bit.ly/15nX3Mm
— Teresa Rolfe Kravtin (@trkravtin) February 19, 2013
It's one of those moments where you realize that writing a book actually can make a genuinely meaningful difference in a kid's life.
— Mike Jung (@Mike_Jung) February 19, 2013
"None of us can know what our books do, but only what we fervently hope they do." -Jeanne Birdsall slj.com/2013/02/books-…
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) February 19, 2013
Thanks most of all to @mrschureads and @colbysharp.You guys are angels.With books for wings. #sharpschu
— LaurelSnyder (@LaurelSnyder) February 21, 2013
GASP! This post went up on my son's birthday! I'm just now seeing it. ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteA son's birthday is the very best kind of day. I am so glad you stopped by now. It's always a pleasure to "speak" with you.