Let's start this week's post off with a wonderful, informative interview of Jerry Pinkney.
The books trailers have been circling Mr. Schu's computer and this week they landed in full force.
This is the first of eighteen Magic Tree House Fact Tracker book trailers. Wowser!
I think it would be amazingly cozy to have a place like this to read. Childhood Dream Come True: Seriously, The Most Incredible Treehouse Ever
New York Public Library + Brooklyn Public Library + Queens Library have created this outdoor reading area. I could spend a quiet sunny day there easily. How about you?
Reading Rockets has created Summer Reading 2013. It's in PDF format for ease of printing.
To the first person who can tell me the name of one of the poetry books listed in the 6-9 Year Old list I will send a paperback copy of the National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry edited by J. Patrick Lewis. DM your answer to me on Twitter or in the comments below. (This title has been won.)
The New York Public Library have compiled their Summer Reading 2013 list also.
The Seattle Public Library gives us Book Domino Chain World Record!
I couldn't agree more, ALA, It's Time to Step Up for School Libraries|Editorial
Wouldn't it be great to see one of these in every community, Thinking Outside the Book: Partnering to offer a Picture Book Walk
You must view this series of videos interviewing Tom Angleberger. Here is one. Follow this link to find the others in the series.
The good books just keep coming---Candlewick Fall Kids|Preview Peek
Booklist Online Top 10 Books For Youth--Biographies There are some interesting choices on this list.
Father's Day is just around the corner. My own father played a huge part in my love of reading. Listen and watch what these authors have to say about their fathers.
It's about time! ALA: New Education Bill Calls for Effective School Libraries
Don't forget to check out the Chronicle Books 25 Reasons to Celebrate calendar. There's all kinds of awesome under each date.
This was a wonderful interview. Video of the Week: Al Roker Sits Down with Mo Willems
WOW! The Spring 2013 Parents' Choice Book Awards were announced yesterday.
Judy Blume Talks About Bringing 'Tiger Eyes' To The Big Screen

Author Judy Blume's book, Tiger Eyes, has been made into a movie directed by her son. This is an interesting article about the process--A Mother's Book Is Her Son's Movie

Many thanks to author, Deborah Kops (The Great Molasses Flood) for this tweet.
Take a look and possibly print this out to place in your classroom or library. It was posted on Joyce Valenza's blog at School Library Journal this past week. I believe I have posted it previously but it's well worth a second viewing. A very handy CC poster

Sending thanks to Donna Macdonald, teacher librarian, tech integrationist and blogger for this tweet.
Here's another interesting infographic, How Does The Act Of Writing Affect Your Brain?

The auction for signed copies of books for Catherine's Dream began on Monday, June 3, 2013. Place a bid. I did.

Thanks to author, Bobbie Pyron (The Dogs of Winter), for hosting this auction and this tweet.
Here's a post about a wonderful One Book, One School project. It's very inspirational.

Thanks to educator, co-host of #titletalk on Twitter, a co-founder of the Nerdy Book Club,one half of the #SharpSchu book club on Twitter, and blogger at sharpread, Colby Sharp for this tweet.

Thanks to Teresa Rolfe Kravtin, blogger at A Rep Reading and SE Publisher Rep for this tweet.
Have you ever been to the Celebri-Dots website? There's a new dot up on the page by author Kate DiCamillo.

Thanks to Terry Shay, 5-12 Vocal and Computer teacher, College Adjunct and FableVision Learning Ambassador for this tweet.

To the first person who can name the Rick Yancey title on the list I will send a copy of Chickenhare a graphic novel by Chris Grine (paperback). DM me your answer on Twitter or in the comments below. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to CBC Book for this tweet.

To the first person who can tell me one of the two books listed for the Kate Greenaway Medal which Xena loves (because I own them) I will send a copy of the beautiful Jane Ray Cinderella A Three-Dimensional Fairy-Tale Theater. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to Carnegie Greenaway for this tweet.
There are oodles and oodles of resources courtesy of Reading Rockets. Literacy in the Sciences

Thanks to Reading Rockets for this post and this tweet.
Many tweets announced the 2013 Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards for Excellence in Children's Literature.
This is a collection of some of my favorite tweets and quotes of the week.
It is the first day of summer vacation. What am I doing? Planning the first author visit for the 2013-2014 school year.
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) June 1, 2013
Had a dream I attended Luke & Liam's Little League games and handed out free books to all of the kids. Seems like a great idea to me!
— Katherine Sokolowski (@katsok) June 1, 2013
@patriciapolacco It was so wonderful meeting you. Wishing your drawing skills had transferred to my hand via osmosis when we shook hands!
— Cece Bell (@CeceBellBooks) June 2, 2013
"Friend" is a wonderful word. Having friends is a treasure and I'm so happy to make friends through my work as a writer and a teacher.
— Seymour Simon (@seymoursimon) June 2, 2013
Love this display!! “@thorntonlibrary: Just a few of the delicious books for next year. twitter.com/Thorntonlibrar…”
— Shawna Ford (@CurtisLibrary1) June 4, 2013
I am writing a story now, abouta singing cowgirl. Because everything is a story. Everything.
— LaurelSnyder (@LaurelSnyder) June 4, 2013
@loveofxena :) Books... they're my main mode of transportation!
— Debbie Alvarez (@stylinlibrarian) June 4, 2013
When you live in a city, a new Chipotle is a shooting star and the ice cream truck is a wolf's howl.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) June 4, 2013
4th grader: Mr. Sharp, would it be okay if you didn't conference with me anymore? I don't really have time for u. I need 2 finish this book.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) June 4, 2013
@dsantat In a remarkably uncanny twitter coincidence, I was just thinking the exact same thing about you Dan Santat.
— Loren Long (@lorenlong) June 5, 2013
What did you do on your last day of school? Me? I drove this bad boy! --->Teacher Fulfills Lifelong Dream: youtu.be/189PuzVANvE
— Eric Johnson (@yourkidsteacher) June 5, 2013
Hey @pg_tri_chick you might want to try this! Let's Read This Summer! smore.com/wety-let-s-rea…
— Susan Dee (@literacydocent) June 6, 2013
Me: Today is going to be filled with awesome. 4th grader: Hasn't every day of 4th grade been filled with awesome? Me: *fist pump*
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) June 6, 2013
Whatever you have to do, it can't possibly be as important as tracing your sneaker. twitter.com/SandyBoynton/s…
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) June 6, 2013
best part of a standing desk:catching myself dancing to the music mid paint stroke.#childrensbooks #kidlit
— Aaron Becker (@storybreathing) June 7, 2013
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