Thanks to Christine Sturgeon, K-12 teacher/librarian/technology integrationist and blogger at christinesturgeon for this tweet.

Y. A. to Watch for: The Winter 2013 Preview I've still got shelves of 2012 books to read but these titles look very interesting.
Many thanks to Children's Bookshelf of Publishers Weekly for these tweets.
I've seen this before but it bears listing again with March, 2013 just a few short months away.

Thanks to Donna Macdonald, teacher/librarian/technology integrationist and curator at dsmacdonald.

I have become a fan of infographics. They show so much visually. Check out 2012: the Year in Graphics from The New York Times
Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo of Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... for these tweets.

Thanks to my Twitter friend and educator @kbport714 for this tweet.
Not too long, but just right. This is a post for lovers of the printed word. the quietest and most constant of friends Read it, you'll be glad you did.

Thanks to Lisa J. Dempster, ACL (Head) Library/Teacher/Librarian.

The 2012 Cybils Finalists have been announced. There are ten categories in the field of literature covering K-12.
Thanks to Teri Lesesne, a prominent educator in the field of reading and literature for all ages, and blogger at The Goddess of YA Literature for these tweets.
Author, Augusta Scattergood, gives her thoughts on the characters that appear in her writing in a post titled Real People
Don't forget to keep checking Mr. Schu's Book Release Calendar for the latest and greatest in 2013.
Make sure you have the date of January 16, 2013 to join others on Twitter for the #SharpSchu Book Club. The time is 8:00 PM EST. It's going to be a Tom Angleberger and Michael Buckley kind of night. This first person who can tell me who illustrated Michael Buckley's Kel Gilligan's Daredevil Stunt Show in the comments or on Twitter will win a copy of the book.
Mark your calendars---World Read Aloud Day is March 6, 2013.
Incredible resource of questions asked of authors all year by Mr. Schu---Mr. Schu, you should have asked me...
And he's done it again---100 Memorable Books This is a reader's resource dream.
Thanks to John Schumacher, teacher/librarian, 2011 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. for these tweets.

Thanks to Julie Danielson for her blog and this tweet.

Thanks to Gerald Kelley for this tweet and his graciousness.

Thanks to Goodreads for this tweet.

Thanks for hosting this challenge and for the tweet.
Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.

Thanks to HuffPost Books for this tweet.

Thanks to Travis Jonker, teacher/librarian and blogger at 100 Scope Notes for this tweet.

Thanks to both Donalyn and Colby for their tweets.
Is 'Charlotte's Web' A Literary Masterpiece? Thanks to Debbie Alvarez teacher/librarian currently in Hong Kong and blogger at The Styling Librarian for this tweet.
These are a few of my favorite tweets and quotes of the week.
Paper books rule.That is all.
— Michael Buckley (@michaelwbuckley) December 29, 2012
Where the heck did I put the 2013 Resolutions I was working on? twitter.com/SandyBoynton/s…
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) December 29, 2012
Twitter is the best place I know to find kindred spirits. #tip #twittertip
— Fantasy Author (@BrianRathbone) December 30, 2012
If there is one thing I truly appreciate about each passing year is that I always end with a greater understanding of myself.
— Dan Santat (@dsantat) December 31, 2012
Happy New Year folks!!! instagr.am/p/T6v-JHxV9Z/
— Ms. K (@ThatLibraryChic) December 31, 2012
I share @neilhimself's wish for a marvelous New Year. twitter.com/donalynbooks/s…
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) January 1, 2013
How come nobody warned me? twitter.com/SandyBoynton/s…
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) January 1, 2013
Happy New Year's, all! An I'M BORED doodle to start off the year: bit.ly/VXJdYv
— Debbie Ridpath Ohi (@inkyelbows) January 1, 2013
I never, in a million years, thought I would be on Twitter, learning so much AND loving every minute of it! #PLN
— Kristen Kilpatrick (@kkilpatrick7) January 4, 2013
U r never 2 old 4 picture books!
— PhilBildner (@PhilBildner) January 4, 2013
@kkilpatrick7 there's a support group for that...it's called the #nerdybookclub ! ;-)
— Susan Dee (@literacydocent) January 5, 2013
You've done it again! Chocked TT#82 full of awesome resources and fun links to more learning, people to follow and ideas to ponder...
ReplyDeleteThank you a million times for load this baked potato!
You're welcome, Amy. I really enjoy putting this together each week. I'm glad you are able to use some of the items here. Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment.