What do you think of this? The Library Designed Like A Bookstore
Thanks to Book Riot for these tweets and posts.
This thoughtful article bears reading, Why BYOD Makes Sense: Thinking Beyond a Standardized 1:1
Did you participate in the Hour of Code? This teacher librarian did; Hour of Code week

Thanks to teacher librarian and blogger at The Library Fanatic, Sherry Glick for these tweets.
If you are looking for ideas for centers in your educational space, how about one of these---21 Incredible Maker Ed Kits For Learning

Thanks to Ben Gilpin, elementary principal and blogger at The Colorful Principal for this tweet.
If you are looking for excellent nonfiction titles, consider a visit to the YALSA Nonfiction Award site. The current nominations are listed as well as past winners.
To the first person who can tell me one of the five 2014 finalists, I will send a copy of The Great American Dust Bowl by Don Brown. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
The possibilities are nearly endless when you consider the items listed here. Game-Based Learning: Resource Roundup
Now this is my kind of news, 5 Studies Showing Why Reading Is Healthy

Let's jump right in, set back and relax with the book trailers for the week.
There are new additions every week, 2013 Best Books Lists
I've read four books on this list, Top 10 Crafts and Gardening Books for Youth: 2013. How about you?
I really, really like this video. There are so many great book suggestions shown here.
Stay up to date with the latest postings: Presentations and Interviews from the 2013 National Book Festival

He's gathering in the best of the best pictorial data---December's Infographics & Interactives Galore-Part One and The Best Infographics of 2013--Part Two

Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo, educator and blogger at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... , for these tweets.
This is a pretty interesting infographic, Social Media--A History. The speed of change is incredible.

I'm sure many people are very eager to get a copy of Laurel Snyder's new title, Seven Stories Up. She has made the first chapter available here.

Thanks to Scholastic for this tweet and post.
I enjoy reading the post every single day at Anita Silvey's Children's Book-A-Day Almanac. She has written a post on the International Reading Association Reading Today Online site, Future Classics for Your Classroom.
To the first person who can tell me the first title listed under picture books, I will send a copy of Penguin Cha-Cha by Kristi Valiant. Please send me a DM on Twitter or leave your answer in the comments below. (This title has been won.)

Thanks to Brain Pickings for the tweet and post.
Don't forget to listen to the newest podcast, Let's Get Busy with author illustrator Nick Bruel

Each year she takes a beloved character from her books and he makes an appearance on greeting cards, A history lesson: 12 Sock Monkey cards on 12/12/12

Thanks to author illustrator Cece Bell (Crankee Doodle) for this post and this tweet.
Have you see this? Bluebird is set to music.

Two kidlit gurus make a list you had better check twice, 20 Of The Best Children's Books of 2013

Do you use any of these sites? What sites might you add to this list? 20 Excellent Websites That Make Your Children Smarter

I found this article informative and fascinating, "Saving Mr. Banks" But Throwing P. L. Travers Under The Bus.

Thanks to Anita Silvey, author and blogger at Anita Silvey's Children's Book-A-Day Almanac, for this tweet.
For many years an author's or illustrator's name with be only text on a book, but sometimes, magically, you get to meet them in real life. That connection makes all the difference, as it did for me this past summer. That's why this essay by Loren Long is special. Memory of My Dad at Christmas

Thanks to author illustrator Loren Long (all the Otis books) for this post and this tweet.
I don't know how he does it, but this is an amazing post, 2013 Children's Lit: The Year in Miscellanea

Thanks to Travis Jonker, elementary school librarian, 2014 Caldecott Medal Committee member, amd blogger at 100 Scope Notes for this post and this tweet.
Make sure you set aside under seven minutes to listen to and view this video. It is important to the educational future of your students. School Library Story: When libraries thrive and when they crumble

Thanks to Donna Baumbach, former edtech/edmedia professor at UCF in Orlando for this tweet.

Thanks to author Linda Urban (The Center of Everything) for this tweet.
In case you may have missed any of the JJK The Book Report podcasts, they are archived here.

To help you get in the mood even more, get cozy, sit back and listen to Charles Dickens & A Christmas Carol with Neil Gaiman and Molly Oldfield
Thanks to author Neil Gaiman (Fortunately, The Milk) for this tweet.
This news caused quite a stir on Twitter, generated many, many tweets and made many, many more people happy. Harry flies into the West End: J. K. Rowling to co-produce magical new stage play based on her best-selling books

Thanks to Kidsmomo for this tweet.

14 Amazing YA Books With Inspirational Heroines
To the first person who can tell me the top title on this list, I will send a copy of When It Snows by Richard Collingridge. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to Random House Canada for this tweet.
Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.
Here is the collection of fun-filled, thoughtful tweets I've collected this week. Xena, the Warrior Princess, has definitely been one busy pup. I blame it on the full moon.
Yesterday, @an author visit, I had kids hugging me, kissing me, & thanking me for writing.#beatthatHollywood pic.twitter.com/qgWksan8jg
— Drew Daywalt (@DrewDaywalt) December 14, 2013
Optimism isn't just a gift, it's a tool
— Drew Daywalt (@DrewDaywalt) December 14, 2013
Darn! I should have tweeted: @100scopenotes is on my tree pic.twitter.com/h4hFdmDXBM
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) December 14, 2013
Spent all day catching up on my mail from kids! Such thoughtful, sweet, funny readers write to me.I love them all. pic.twitter.com/CbjWKHvMQt
— Cynthia Lord (@Cynthia_Lord) December 15, 2013
Doodling. pic.twitter.com/B7o5whndS1
— Drew Daywalt (@DrewDaywalt) December 15, 2013
Here's my pencils for the upcoming Olympians poster. Can you name all 27 characters? pic.twitter.com/VkbuZ04LSM
— George O'Connor (@GeorgetheMighty) December 15, 2013
Here is the Storify archive from tonight's #nctechat http://t.co/8rqoMmltbH #ncte13
— NCTE (@ncte) December 16, 2013
I believe love and watercolors can solve any problem.
— Terry Shay (@tjshay) December 16, 2013
Snowy boy!! pic.twitter.com/z05x7mqhEu
— Lauren Oliver (@OliverBooks) December 16, 2013
This week's Maker Monday! pic.twitter.com/JJ0bGaNUtP
— Stacy Dillon (@mytweendom) December 16, 2013
KID MAIL: I love your books. They are so funny just like me.
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) December 16, 2013
At a library branch opening today the Prez did the "libraries can take you everywhere" speech. Asked kids where they'd go. Answer: Michigan!
— Betsy Bird (@FuseEight) December 16, 2013
I had the honor of doing the Writers House holiday card this year. Just got mine- Thanks @RebeccAgent ! pic.twitter.com/5fUhmDwDUa
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) December 16, 2013
Not quite what I had in mind, but this worked for me when I told @ssibberson I needed some #nerdlution cheerleading. pic.twitter.com/NWMZWCSnqH
— Franki Sibberson (@frankisibberson) December 17, 2013
#virtualbookclub 2013 Favorite Books (12/16) http://t.co/k6uUFwXYFM #storify #virtualbookclub #booklove
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@daydreamreader) December 17, 2013
"Childhood is not preparation for anything, it just is. They get only one. It is our job to protect that."
— LesterLaminack (@lester_laminack) December 17, 2013
As soon as I saw beauty I knew there was such a thing as a good God.
— TenNapel (@TenNapel) December 17, 2013
The first line of my next novel is going to be "Everything EXPLODED."
— Adam Rex (@MrAdamRex) December 17, 2013
Got the "When are you gonna write real novels, for adults?" line at a Xmas party, and I smiled and said: "When adults are as smart as kids."
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) December 17, 2013
I guess I left a bunch of stuff on Sophia's favorite chair. http://t.co/UlmoX7yTFn
— Greg Pizzoli (@gregpizzoli) December 17, 2013
I keep a list of 10 authors that I'd like 2 meet- updated yearly. For '13 crossing off @StudioJJK @anneursu @barbaraoconnor @LaurelSnyder
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) December 18, 2013
Concerned about the flu outbreak at my school, two of my students left me this note. pic.twitter.com/NlkzAlsf8K
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) December 18, 2013
I'm convinced that reading books aloud is as much fun for adults as it is for kids.
— Seymour Simon (@seymoursimon) December 18, 2013
There's a great "Best of 2013" fr The Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Lit http://t.co/WZggJZ8Fep … #nerdybookclub #kidlit
— Crystal Brunelle (@librarygrl2) December 18, 2013
Love that I already have students worried
about how many books they can check out over break. Many started checking out stacks today.
— Jillian Heise (@heisereads) December 18, 2013
From my 10yo: why does Santa have 3 gardens? So he can ho, ho, ho.
— Shannon Hale (@haleshannon) December 18, 2013
Today was wow and magic and spice and sigh.
— Carter Higgins (@CarterHiggins) December 19, 2013
They say no two snowflakes are alike. pic.twitter.com/85ygjL1hgo
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) December 19, 2013
Getting into the Christmas spirit #pugstagram http://t.co/ev3Yq7ysTv
— Beth Shaum (@BethShaum) December 19, 2013
Kindergartner: Did you know I have a job? Me: No. What is it? K: My job is to save the world.
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) December 19, 2013
'Here's to 2013' video! Great discussion starter! #pcscIN #INeLearn http://t.co/lxUJIYW9kF
— Allie Holland (@allieLholland) December 19, 2013
Student letter, signed: "From your number 3 fan (because 1 and 2 are proboly taken, but if 2 is not taken I will take that place). . ."
— Sharon Creech (@ciaobellacreech) December 19, 2013
“@Fascinatingpics: Taking selfies with best friends. pic.twitter.com/9qhcxqjJe1”
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 20, 2013
Will YOU play with me, Twitter? pic.twitter.com/OsSEOuoS1u
— Maureen Johnson (@maureenjohnson) December 20, 2013
Drumroll please! Here's the #virtualbookclub 2014 Reading List! 1st chat 1/20/14! pic.twitter.com/yCRygA32nT
— Beth Panageotou (@epan11) December 20, 2013
Best question of the day: "Will you show me where @JudyBlume's books are?" -3rd grader
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) December 20, 2013
Who's ready for the holidays? This pup sure is! Retweet if this makes you smile & see more: http://t.co/NiFS0tdQhK pic.twitter.com/O9eu1b27a1
— Pinterest (@Pinterest) December 20, 2013
Finished my Santa: pic.twitter.com/hSSbJDoOvb
— Mike Boldt (@MikeBoldt) December 20, 2013
Holidays! Time to lose ourselves in books, wrap up in family and appreciate the gift of time Merry #booklove to the #nerdybookclub community
— Carrie Gelson (@CarrieGelson) December 21, 2013
May all our impossible dreams come true. pic.twitter.com/y9r7O2lHfn
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) December 21, 2013
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