Quote of the Month

When love and skill work together, expect a miracle. John Ruskin

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reading Raves

When I began to use Google Reader in the fall of 2010 I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to set up and how much it kept me informed with all that is happening in my fields of interest.
As previously posted on April 25, 2011 I am a reader of the blog by Donalyn Miller called The Book Whisperer.  Last week a colleague of mine at the middle school spoke of recently attending a workshop held by Miller.  In showing me her copy of Miller's The Book Whisperer she pointed out a list at the end of good links to blogs, web sites and networking options.  One of the networking sites is called Goodreads.
Just this morning another blogger that I follow, Richard Byrne of Free Technology for Teachers had a guest post by Jennifer Roberts.  Readers were treated to how she has applied Goodreads in her high school classroom. 

These connections are what is prompting me to write about Goodreads.  A month ago I joined the ranks of Goodreads whose members number well over 4.5 million since its inception in December 2006.
Users must be over 13 years of age and need to have approval and supervision if under the age of 18. 
To register simply give your name, email address and a password.  Facebook, Twitter and Google can also be used to sign in. 

Goodreads has stated on their site:  Goodreads' mission is to get people excited about reading. Along the way, we plan to improve the process of reading and learning throughout the world.
A mission such as theirs is what I and many of my colleagues strive for throughout our careers and lifetime.

Users can create profiles, lists of books read, currently reading or waiting to read.  When a book is selected a rating can be assigned as well as writing a review.  When another reader becomes your Friend popular titles are shared and books can be swapped.

There are as many Groups to join as there are interests; as of this writing there are more than 33,000.  Group members can share with other members as much or as little as they desire adding discussion topic folders whose parameters have been set by the group founder/leader.  Without joining a group you can still view their discussions which I did before joining my only group. 

The Explore tab lists quick links to listopia topics, popular lists, goodreads voice which is a newsy update of books and book people, giveaways, ebooks, the bookswap, random selection of books to browse, genres, trivia, quizzes, quotes, authors, creative writing by tags and genres, events within a 200 mile radius of your area and people who are currently online.

Goodreads offers an incredible way to share with those taken with books and reading of all ages and walks of life and to promote a life-long reading habit.  Get connected today!

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