If you are looking for an author to Skype with for World Read Aloud Day on March 5, 2014 author Kate Messner has compiled a list of volunteers here.
This is a fantastic post about an amazing video; The Making of a TED-Ed Video
This is outstanding---Bodies & Bookstores: An Open Letter to Russell Banks

Thanks to Kate Messner (Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets) for these posts and these tweets.
The author of this article, The Mission of Librarians is to Empower, really gets "it".
This is a great article, Librarians in the digital age and an infographic round-up
Thanks to Joyce Valenza, teacher librarian and blogger at the NeverEnding Search for these tweets.
There are some new Celebri-dots at the site. Check out artwork by Drew Daywalt and Erin Dealey.

Thanks to Terry Shay, 5-12 vocal and computer teacher, college adjunct, FableVision Learning Ambassador and blogger at TJ On a Journey, for these tweets.
It's important to broaden our students exposure to authors and illustrators from places other than the country in which they live. I really enjoyed this post at the Nerdy Book Club, Look to the North! My Ten Favourite Canadian Illustrators and Their Books by Carrie Gelson.
Even when I served as the school librarian at a high school, I purchased picture books for the collection. This essay explains why---Top Ten Things Picture Books Taught Me by Beth Shaum.
To the first person who can tell me the first item on Beth's list, I will send a copy of Dream Animals: A Bedtime Journey written and illustrated by Emily Winfield Martin. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

In case you missed the flurry of tweets last weekend, here is a document capturing the events at #nErDcampNNE.

Thanks to Cathy Potter, K-5 school librarian and blogger at The Nonfiction Detectives, for this tweet.
The celebrating of the Chinese New Year will be here before you know it. This is an extensive list of book titles, Chinese Folktales For Kids.

Guess what's happening on February 26, 2014? It's the #SharpSchu Book Club!
Jon Scieszka, Matthew Myers, and I will be there. @colbysharp #SharpSchu: Battle Bunny! http://t.co/qZoLO3EbSs
— Mac Barnett (@macbarnett) January 19, 2014
Now this is some video!
Charlotte's Web / Spider-Man Mashup (Bookie Woogie) from Z-Dad on Vimeo.
Join @katsok and me for #titletalk Sunday 8 PM EST: Topic: #alayma 10 minutes each: Schneider, Geisel, Sibert, Caldecott, Printz, Newbery
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 24, 2014

This is the seventh in a series of book recommendations, Emily's Library, Part 7. The other posts are archived at the site.

Get ready for the second annual Nonfiction Event #nf10for10. It's taking place on February 19, 2014. Get the scoop at the Reflect & Refine: Building a Learning Community blog linked above.

Thanks to Cathy Mere, elementary educator and blogger at Reflect & Refine: Building a Learning Community, for this post and this tweet.
A powerful story generates other powerful stories; Seek first to understand... A principal reflects on the wonder of Wonder by R J Palacio.

You can never have too many dragon books on your shelves. It's Monday! What Are You Reading? -Dragon Delight!

Thanks to Carrie Gelson, educator and blogger at There's a Book for That, for this tweet.
If you are looking for a collection of digital storytelling tools, look no further than those gathered by Joyce Valenza.

It's never too early to start thinking about April being National Poetry Month---Erasure Poetry
This is quite a list of YouTube channels. Top Ten YouTube Channels #QuietLibrary

Thanks to Debbie Alvarez, teacher librarian currently in Hong Kong and blogger at The Styling Librarian for these tweets.
Don't miss this week's podcast, Let's Get Busy with author illustrator Jarrett Krosoczka
Thanks to Matthew C. Winner, elementary library media specialist, co-founder of #levelupbc, Library Journal Movers & Shakers 2013 Tech Leader and blogger at The Busy Librarian for this tweet.
The Association of Jewish Libraries announced The 2014 Sydney Taylor Book Awards this week.

Without further ado, I present the book trailers and author illustrator videos of this week.

Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet and post.
We always have wonderful new books to add to our lists and piles. Librarian Preview: Blue Apple Books (Spring 2014)
Did you see this? Video Trailer Debut: Saving Baby Doe by Danette Vigilante
This is interesting to look over.---Mock Lists-The Ultimate Round-Up

I love when illustrators share their process with readers. Look at this amazing animated GIF Dan Santat shared on Twitter. It's for the cover of the new book titled, The Rain Dragon Rescue (The Imaginary Veterinary series).

Thanks to Dan Santat, author illustrator (Sidekicks, Crankenstein) for this tweet.
Have you read The 2014 Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction? I've read other titles by this author but not this one. I quickly added it to my growing indie order.
To the first person who can tell me the winner of this award, I will send a copy of The Year of Billy Miller by Kevin Henkes. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

Every year there are amazing books never recognized by any of the award committees. Elizabeth Bird talks about it here, Picture Books That Will Never Win Awards.
Thanks to the New York Public Library for this tweet.
Look at the amazing art in these illustrations! Winner of the 2014 Tomie dePaola Award is Announced!
As the snow keeps falling, the winds keep howling and the temperatures keep dropping this sounds like a good idea, 16 Quotes That Will Make You Want To Cuddle Up With A Book.

Thanks to Shannon Miller, teacher librarian, presenter, consultant and blogger at Van Meter Library Voice, for this tweet.
Don't forget to stop by The Book Report, podcasts hosted by author illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka. New posts include Aaron Becker, David Wiesner, Jon Scieszka and Bob Shea.

Have you seen this super fun book trailer for Rosie & Rex: A Nose for Fun?
Thanks to author illustrator Bob Boyle for this tweet.
If you haven't seen this you might want to take a moment to look and wonder---The Life-Cycle of a Single Water Drop, in a Pop-Up Book Animated in Stop Motion

Guess what? The NCTE Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children was announced this past week.

Thanks to NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) for this tweet.
Kate DiCamillo says Thank You from Candlewick Press on Vimeo.

Thanks to educator, Jane Garver, for this tweet.
This video is guaranteed to make you smile. Have a great time on Monday watching the award ceremony.

There's been lots of news and lots of fun this week. Here are some of Xena and my favorites.
SOPHIE'S SQUASH will have a sequel! SOPHIE'S SEEDS follows squash-loving Sophie as she starts school and makes friends. @randomhousekids
— Pat Zietlow Miller (@PatZMiller) January 17, 2014
Sometimes love is as simple as a towel on a cold rainy morning. pic.twitter.com/FvFyFPIDUM
— Samantha Berger (@BergerBooks) January 18, 2014
Young reader advice: "Don't bombard yourself w writing 'cause that's adding stress and worries. Take a break every day--it's stress-repel."
— Sharon Creech (@ciaobellacreech) January 18, 2014
Write your own caption. . . pic.twitter.com/5kraUSpiuD
— Paul W. Hankins (@PaulWHankins) January 18, 2014
KID MAIL: Hopefully, we can talk to each other more often. I like these books a lot. So how are your books going? Good? OK. Well, that's all
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) January 18, 2014
My Spring '15 book will be a companion to #MRLEMONCELLO. "The Island Of Dr. Libris" is about boy discovering the magic of writing.
— Chris Grabenstein (@CGrabenstein) January 19, 2014
Read THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT and MR. TIGER GOES WILD to kids last week. So much nakedness. There's no laugh like a naked laugh.
— Carter Higgins (@CarterHiggins) January 19, 2014
KID MAIL: Hello! I just read your book. It seems very creative and funny..well, let's get to the point! How did you become an author?
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) January 19, 2014
Such a great picture of Agatha Christie (and this looks a lot like my TBR pile...:-) http://t.co/7fCBu2K1BF
— F.T. Bradley (@FTBradleyAuthor) January 19, 2014
Martin Luther King Day 2014… Let’s keep moving things forward… pic.twitter.com/KN7UkHeYNN
— Peter H. Reynolds (@peterhreynolds) January 20, 2014
I’ve heard a lot of adults say they think other adults read YA because it’s “easy.” No. I’m pretty sure they read YA because it’s GOOD. :-)
— Jo Knowles (@JoKnowles) January 20, 2014
Sometimes we're so worried about what kids MIGHT do (w/ tech), we don't let them show us what they CAN do. #SantaFe14
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) January 20, 2014
— Greg Ruth (@GregRuth) January 20, 2014
asked oldest to unload dishwasher for the 5th time. He looked up from Fellowship of the Ring and said, you really want me to stop reading?
— Susan Sullivan (@PaddyHillReads) January 20, 2014
Current mood. pic.twitter.com/Sz8xig5neN
— Cute Emergency (@CuteEmergency) January 21, 2014
An evening thought pic.twitter.com/UOX1AYe8pm
— ElizabethRoseStanton (@PenspaperStudio) January 21, 2014
Here is my Symbaloo board of the 50 blogs that I visited and commented on during my #nerdlution project http://t.co/daZ0eICRrn
— KevinHodgson (@dogtrax) January 21, 2014
I read for love. I review so others can love. Each review copy I get sent is treasured. Each book I buy is treasured. #TreasureYourBooks
— Liz Wilkins (@Lizzy11268) January 21, 2014
My favorite sound in the world? Children squealing when I bring new books into the classroom. 1/2
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) January 22, 2014
Any other Harry Potter fans ever feel like this? pic.twitter.com/WebO8EzyIl
— Debbie Ridpath Ohi (@inkyelbows) January 22, 2014
Being around young people is good for your soul- even when it is a reminder that you are no longer part of them.
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) January 22, 2014
Hey there, whatcha reading? pic.twitter.com/9G2htxQGrf
— Lauren Strohecker (@lkstrohecker) January 22, 2014
I'd like to have a "Read With" week at school where kids and parents read together each night. Families often stop doing this too soon.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 23, 2014
A great snow day! Some reading, some writing, some playing in the snow. :) pic.twitter.com/VZxScSa65W
— Sarah Mulhern Gross (@thereadingzone) January 23, 2014
Today’s view pic.twitter.com/7Jxdb3BVDu
— Jo Knowles (@JoKnowles) January 23, 2014
Gadgets lose power. Books are forever.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 23, 2014
CONGRATULATIONS to @Lehrhaupt & @mattforsythe! There's gonna be a SEQUEL to their WARNING: DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK! http://t.co/XMv4hE684K
— Ame Dyckman (@AmeDyckman) January 23, 2014
Pretty sure this is the dog's plan for the day. pic.twitter.com/szHVLAarhf
— Lynne Kelly Hoenig (@LynneKelly) January 24, 2014
Lovely recap of the week! LOVED the animated drop of water video! :) Thanks for including my YouTube post... :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Debbie! I thought the video was amazing too! Any you are welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment.