Are you ready for this? Jeff Kinney and Dav Pilkey are conducting a live webcast in January creating a book that you can finish as part of a contest.
Octavia Spencer speaks about the importance of libraries.
Seven very special things are happening in the world of children's literature in January. What are they?
This book has and will continue to delight readers, Open This Little Book. Have fun watching this video.
Do you have your calendar marked for the next #SharpSchu Book Club?
You might want to add some of these titles to your TBR pile---Walking in a Winter Wonderland|Great Books for Snowy Days
To the first person who can tell me the titles of the five books I have reviewed on this list, I will send a copy of Patricia Polacco's The Blessing Cup. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.
The 2013 Best Books Lists has been updated.
This will be the year for the silver screen to shine the spotlight on the world of children's literature---Page to Screen: A Year's Worth of New Adaptations
It's interesting to see some of your favorite books become animated.
Not only was this a wonderful announcement by a member of the committee but there are plenty of resources for the new National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, Congratulations, Kate DiCamillo!
This may be short but you have to love the answers.
Fortunately for us this list keeps getting updated, Presentations and Interviews from the 2013 National Book Festival
The 2013 I Love My Librarian Award Winner

I just love when these studies are posted---Brain function 'boosted for days after reading a novel'

Thanks to author Lisa McMann (The Unwanteds) for this tweet.

Thanks to author illustrator Ashley Wolff (Baby Bear Counts One) for this tweet.
If you happen to be looking for labels, then this is the blog post for you, Launching lovely little labels (way more than eight solutions)
Words to the wise---Why ALA Needs a Code of Conduct|BackTalk

Thanks to Joyce Valenza, teacher librarian and blogger at the NeverEnding Search for these tweets.
Here's yet another article on the benefit of reading and books, Doctors Are Now Prescribing Books to Treat Depression
After #titletalk last Sunday, Donalyn made available the link to her SlideShare page so people could have access to her notebook and conferring forms.
Please take a moment to read this timely and spot-on post, Anne Ursu's OVER/UNDER of 2013: The Overlooked, Underappreciated Middle Grade Reader

Here's their list, The Best of Book Fetish 2013.

Thanks to Book Riot for this tweet.

Thanks to Alyson Beecher, educator and blogger at Kid Lit Frenzy for this tweet.
If you have a few minutes this article makes for great reading, The Art Of Children's Literature

Thanks to Children's Bookshelf of Publishers Weekly for this tweet.
Here's the link to the latest Let's Get Busy with author illustrator Melissa Guion podcast.
Let's get connected for World Read Aloud Day! Educators are signing up to share.

He, as always, states his views with eloquence---My New Year Wish

The 2013 Finalist have been announced. Cybils
To the first person who can tell me the top title in the Nonfiction Picture book category I will send a copy of Flying Solo: How Ruth Elder Soared into America's Heart by Julie Cummins with illustrations by Malene R. Laugesen. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.
Thanks to Cybils for this tweet.
He will be missed but until his return we have 10 Twitter Gems From Neil Gaiman Before His Sabbatical
These were Travis's top ten posts of 2013.

Thanks for these tweets go to Travis Jonker, teacher librarian, member of the 2014 Caldecott Medal Committee and blogger at 100 Scope Notes.
For bookish people I think this is a fantastic idea---My 2014 Bookish Un-Boring List Reveal!

There's something new for the fans of I'm Bored. It's a Teacher's Guide.

Here's an interview of interest, SLJ Talks to National Book Award Winner Cynthia Kadohata
What is Genius Hour? On being more genius
2013: a round-up of wrap-ups
Thanks to School Library Journal for these tweets.

Thanks to Kevin Hodgson, educator, tech liaison with the Western Mass Writing Project and blogger at Kevin's Meandering Mind, for this tweet.
Changes are happening. 7 Huge Tech Trends to Expect in 2014

Do you think this is true? 6 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2014

Thanks to Edudemic for this tweet.

Thanks to Oakland Schools for this tweet.
There really is a right book for the right reader at the right time. Finding it may come when you least expect it. Her Right Book by Gigi McAllister
To the first person who can tell me the title and author of the right book from the essay, I will give a copy of Daisy Gets Lost by Chris Raschka. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.

Thanks to the Nerdy Book Club for this tweet.
Please take a moment to read this article written by Walter Dean Myers, Functional Literacy for All

I reviewed a wonderful book here on the blog last year, Happy Birthday, Tree!: A Tu B'Shevat Story by Madelyn Rosenberg. This week she shared more resources with us, The Birthday of the Trees!

Thanks to author Madelyn Rosenberg (The Canary in the Coal Mine) for this tweet and post.

Thanks to The Horn Book for this tweet.
Do not miss this interview! Jon Klassen on children's stories and stealing hats

Thanks to educator and blogger at There's A Book for That, Carrie Gelson for this tweet.

Thanks to author Jennifer Nielsen (The False Prince, The Runaway King) for this tweet.
Xena and I (yes, I've given her free reign over my keyboard) may have gone overboard with these quotes, fun tweets, celebratory greetings and excitement over the New Ambassador of Young People's Literature, but we promises to scale back for next week. Thanks for stopping by the blog.
"Reading one book is like eating one potato chip." —Diane Duane
— Reading Rainbow (@readingrainbow) December 28, 2013
Good tips! pic.twitter.com/qdSipMDXHL
— Kristy Skoglund (@KristySkoglund) December 29, 2013
Beautiful sentiments for all budding writers from the great Toni Morrison pic.twitter.com/tPR20qBUdq
— booktopia (@booktopia) December 30, 2013
“@RobinSalars: Just ran across this picture! Engagement and Curiosity! #txeduchat pic.twitter.com/yGQ0AGNj6s”
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 30, 2013
I often feel as though my students have given me much more than I've given them. #truth #Gratitude @venspired pic.twitter.com/rGa0vGPT5a
— Library Girl (@jenniferlagarde) December 30, 2013
“@TeachersTweeeet: A love of reading is...✨ pic.twitter.com/F0utHw42Ma” #nerdybookclub spread #booklove
— JoEllen McCarthy (@imalwayslearnin) December 30, 2013
Keep reading! pic.twitter.com/oHvBDvtJWw
— Richland Upper EL (@RUESRCSD) December 30, 2013
As much as an illustration style is a lens, it is also a vice. Without new risks, the tropes that once set you free will turn into a veil.
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) December 30, 2013
Who could say no to this face? pic.twitter.com/QSO5BjNAp3
— Kurt Stroh (@strohreads) December 31, 2013
Top 10 Stories of 2013: #1: One of my happiest days of 2013 was the day a young red fox came to visit at my ho... http://t.co/baOVH6VRW9
— Seymour Simon (@seymoursimon) December 31, 2013
Happy New Year! http://t.co/5nuRyI9YBT
— JULIANHECTOR (@julianhector) December 31, 2013
Wishing everyone a very BRIGHT and COLORFUL New Year! #NanaintheCity #kidlit #NYC #TimesSquare #NYE @HMHKids pic.twitter.com/dj55v3zm4y
— Lauren Castillo (@studiocastillo) December 31, 2013
And of course, you, my Twitter friends: teachers, librarians, fellow writers, & a few odd ducks. I have learned so much this year from you.
— Linda Urban (@lindaurbanbooks) December 31, 2013
May 2014 be your best year ever! pic.twitter.com/7bs5rto2bX
— Wendell Minor (@WendellMinor) December 31, 2013
Happy News Years to the best professional development/PLN this teacher can get! #nerdybookclub #titletalk #5thchat
— Jason Lewis (@jasontes5th) January 1, 2014
I try not to have New Years resolutions. Instead I try to have All Year Long resolutions!
— Renata Liwska (@RenataLiwska) January 1, 2014
I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a stellar year for #kidlit .
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) January 1, 2014
I like this : I am a Digital Citizen! #edtech #edchat pic.twitter.com/C53n06V5Kw
— Jason Elsom (@JasonElsom) January 1, 2014
My son sneezed and then said, "I guess I am allergic to the morning today!"
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@daydreamreader) January 1, 2014
May the new year bring you P's: peace, prizes, presents, possibilities, promises, pleasures,pastimes, and other pluses. Oh---and a pulse!
— jane Yolen (@JaneYolen) January 1, 2014
May the sun shine brightly, the snow fall lightly, the rain fall nightly, and peace reign rightly on you in 2014.
— jane Yolen (@JaneYolen) January 1, 2014
Happy New Year Everyone! #newyear #numbersbook #numbers pic.twitter.com/3HIgh4xvcy
— Paul Thurlby (@paulthurlby) January 1, 2014
Champions. http://t.co/3kt8xpxJMt
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 2, 2014
Go Kate! I mean, Your Excellency! “@nytimesarts: Kate DiCamillo to Be Ambassador of Young People’s Literature http://t.co/RiT4B0TaXQ”
— Paul O. Zelinsky (@paulozelinsky) January 2, 2014
In honor of our new ambassador, I repost this: http://t.co/83wxuE5nye #loveher
— Barbara O'Connor (@barbaraoconnor) January 2, 2014
Kate DiCamillo is New National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature http://t.co/BTQbdW0jes
— SchoolLibraryJournal (@sljournal) January 2, 2014
All Hail our New Ambassador – Kate DiCamillo. http://t.co/h5AzVBaWl9
— Jon Scieszka (@Jon_Scieszka) January 2, 2014
In Pax's honor I cherish the love & life we are growing w/ @bradythegolden https://t.co/c8rlIBlDvP
— shawn white (@swpax) January 2, 2014
@CarterHiggins She has an infectious, effervescent laugh.
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) January 2, 2014
@MrSchuReads It's like a bear hug. Thank you for your work to bring her to even more readers everywhere!
— Carter Higgins (@CarterHiggins) January 2, 2014
One of my tweets was favorited by a dog. I'm putting that on my resume.
— Terry Shay (@tjshay) January 2, 2014
Yikes. Blizzard. They weren't kidding about the strong winds. pic.twitter.com/7JUAkBMxFq
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) January 2, 2014
RT @RichardsonLiza: What happens Online in 60 Seconds #edtech #edchat pic.twitter.com/zZpWNzhJlv
— Russel Tarr (@russeltarr) January 2, 2014
@gigimcareads Here it is! http://t.co/vLaJcxovPf
— Cindy Minnich (@CBethM) January 2, 2014
to read an excerpt of Ice Dogs, http://t.co/I8n4XODuxU
— Terry Lynn Johnson (@TerryLynnJ) January 3, 2014
Watch @neilhimself encourage artists everywhere with a few fantastic words. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/zftUhBwqz9
— Kristin Gray (@kristinlgray) January 3, 2014
Hearing my otherwise serious dad reading OLIVIA to my little nephew is giving me the courage to survive the storm.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 3, 2014
.@MrSchuReads I truly hope Kate DiCamillo realizes how excited we all are that she is the new National Ambassador of Children's Literature.
— Donna K. (@akgal68) January 3, 2014
I think every writer needs a believer like that--someone you can trust absolutely, and who will wait until you're ready to share.
— Ally Condie (@allycondie) January 3, 2014
@AmeDyckman @colbysharp She's going to make a difference through face-to-face interactions. The kids who meet her will never forget her.
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) January 3, 2014
Best library ad ever pic.twitter.com/ZIIlH35wqp
— ShortList Magazine (@ShortList) January 3, 2014
Wind is howling. Snow plows beeping. Dogs are sleeping. Baby, it's cold outside!
— Barbara O'Connor (@barbaraoconnor) January 3, 2014
The power of social media is felt when digital connections turn into human connections.
— Jon Gordon (@JonGordon11) January 3, 2014
Middle schoolers: when your classmates say "You're so weird" it usually means "I'm intimidated by what an original thinker you are." FYI.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 3, 2014
Snowy walk! They stopped to pose on a couch someone threw out. http://t.co/aSR8Znqbd0
— Sarah Mulhern Gross (@thereadingzone) January 3, 2014
Chillin' with the #naughtydog after the massive #snowfall in #NH. Feels like our own #wnterclassic in the backyard. pic.twitter.com/avvIjI9okz
— Sandra Neil Wallace (@SandraNWallace) January 3, 2014
Every new project is an opportunity. Whether it is a good opportunity is pretty much up to you.
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) January 3, 2014
So beautiful: mother and son blow bubbles in freezing cold and discover something beautiful, via @twistedsifter: http://t.co/PfFNNrYRmg
— Scholastic (@Scholastic) January 3, 2014
Love this sign that my daughter made for her room. And I may grab some tags before I go... http://t.co/1lJfvl0lrc
— Lynda Mullaly Hunt (@LynMullalyHunt) January 3, 2014
THIS is happening on Monday and it is going to be AWESOME! https://t.co/ZkPE2E50u2 #tlchat TLs get ready! @jenniferlagarde @candidlibrarian
— Matthew C. Winner (@MatthewWinner) January 4, 2014
My favorite Maine blizzard photo @WGME pic.twitter.com/7fHgBTisw0
— Cynthia Lord (@Cynthia_Lord) January 3, 2014
Thrilled to hear Kate DiCamillo will be National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature – she clearly knows what kids want to read.
— James Patterson (@JP_Books) January 4, 2014
So many gems! Thank you for this post! I'm becoming a faithful reader!
ReplyDeleteThank you Annie for your kind words. I'm so glad you find this helpful. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.