I guarantee you will never forget visiting this place. It's been fifty years and I still remember. Cool Bookish Places: The Library of Congress
In case you might need some help---How I'm Repairing My Reading Habits
Thanks to Book Riot for these tweets.
Who wouldn't want to travel to these places? Fans of Harry Potter are already buying tickets. Hogwarts Travel Posters

There's Snow much happening at the Van Meter Library. Check out all their activities perfect for wintry fun.
Let's keep it together---What Are Librarians In The Digital Age?

Thanks to Shannon Miller, teacher librarian and blogger at the Van Meter Library Voice, for these tweets and for sharing her activities.
According to this post, Teach Copyright Basics with a Cool Interactive Tool, you can never teach copyright enough. I would have to agree.

Make sure you have your calendar marked and post-it notes hanging about to remember January 27, 2014 as the date for The 2014 Youth Media Awards Press Conference.
Are you ready to see what's up next? Sit back and enjoy these trailers and videos.
There are plenty of resources here. Martin Luther King Jr.: Everything You Need
The excitement continues to grow for our new National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, Kate DiCamillo. How Do Stories Connect Us? A Q & A with National Ambassador Kate DiCamillo Kate DiCamillo Sworn in at the Library of Congress
Get the latest updates---Presentations and Interviews from the 2013 National Book Festival
You might want to make sure you have one or more of these titles on hand---Presidents' Day | Books for Celebration and Study
Look at the titles nominated for the Sakura Book Award. This is an award in Japan were the voters are children.

Thanks to John Schumacher, teacher librarian, co-host of the monthly #SharpSchu Book Club, 2011 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, 2014 Newbery Medal Committee member, and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. for these tweets.
Did you miss the #titletalk chat last Sunday? Never fear. Follow the links in these tweets.
Chat about Reading in the Wild Flew Past http://t.co/VnDRwhZK6I #storify #wildreading
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) January 13, 2014
#wildreading friends, you can see the archive for the chat at the bottom of this page. Enjoy! http://t.co/QGHsX2Fgfl
— Cindy Minnich (@CBethM) January 13, 2014
This looks like something new you might want to try to expand your reading goals, Reading Bingo Challenge 2014.

I can't think of a better conversation than between two Caldecott Medalists, Chris Raschka and Jon Klassen: A Caldecott Conversation.
It's still kind of hard to wrap my mind around the idea of 3-D printers but look at this---The World's First 3-D Printed Book Cover

Thanks for these tweets go to Travis Jonker, teacher librarian, member of the 2014 Caldecott Medal Committee and blogger at 100 Scope Notes.
When this appeared in my feed, I could hardly wait to watch it. Tim Federle Previews 'Five, Six, Seven, Nate!' With A Quirky New Trailer.

To the first person who can tell me the top title on the longlist I will send a copy of Whale Shines: An Artistic Tale by Fiona Robinson. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to The Horn Book for these tweets.
This is an important article for teacher librarians---Library Signage Advice

Thanks to Naomi Bates, teacher librarian and blogger at YA Books and More, for this tweet.
Get ready for a great time. The latest podcast is---Let's Get Busy with Charise Harper

Hopefully you watched the video in Twitterville Talk #134. Here is a follow-up article in School Library Journal, Kid Lit Authors Review Their Worst Reviews

Thanks to author illustrator Matthew Cordell (Another Brother, hello! hello!) for this tweet.
They've been announced! The Cook Prize 2014 Finalists This award is for the best STEM picture book. (Congratulations, Melissa!)

Thanks to author Melissa Stewart (No Monkeys, No Chocolate) for this tweet.
In case you missed it---Exclusive book trailer reveal: 'Dangerous' by Shannon Hale

Thanks to author Shannon Hale (Princess Academy) for this tweet.
It was in the Twitter feed again and again---TED Launched TED-ED Clubs For Schools

Thanks to Donna Macdonald, teacher librarian, technology integrationist, VSLA board member and ISTE SIGLIB president-elect, for this tweet.
You might want to read this great new article in The Digital Shift, Animation Made Easy: The best tools for student projects, from stop motion to GIFs
Have many of the books on this list have you read? Will you participate? Notable Children's Books-2014 Discussion List

Thanks to the Association for Library Service to Children for this tweet.
It's back! Battle of the Kids' Books Who do you think will win each round? And the 2014 Contenders Are...

Thanks to the Battle Commander for this tweet.
Don't miss this opportunity to win monies for your classrooms---The 26th Annual Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Minigrants Call For Proposals

If you missed the #SharpSchu Book Club chat on Wednesday the archive is here.
Most people remember February 14th as Valentine's Day but Do You Know What February 14th Is? Other Than That

If you are a fan of the mystery genre, you will probably be interested in 2014 Edgar Award nominees announced
To the first person who can name one of the five Best Juvenile titles I will send a copy of Water in the Park: A Book about Water and the Times of the Day by Emily Jenkins with illustrations by Stephanie Graegin. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.
Thanks to author Elizabeth Wein (Code Name Verity) for this tweet.
Mark your calendars---Multicultural Children's Book Day is Coming January 27th! This is a terrific blog post recommending some excellent titles.

Here are some of the special quotes and tweets of the week courtesy of Xena and myself.
KID MAIL: Can you write about cats? IF IF YOU GIVE A DOG A CAT? It's going to be very entertaining!
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) January 11, 2014
I read. He sleeps. pic.twitter.com/QPyCGXH6tZ
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) January 12, 2014
As I finish my story, the wife says, “For real, or did that just happen in your head?”
— Adam Lehrhaupt (@Lehrhaupt) January 12, 2014
Best thing I told my students this week? We're stealing back wasted time to read aloud more. Everyone in! #booklove #readingcommunity
— Carrie Gelson (@CarrieGelson) January 13, 2014
A little downloadable calendar for Hot Rod Hamster Monster Truck Mania. Print one here if you'd like one. :) Vrooom! http://t.co/QW5rFnh09D
— Cynthia Lord (@Cynthia_Lord) January 13, 2014
Now you can slice/dice Google image searches by usage rights under "Search tools. Thanks to @lessig for the request! pic.twitter.com/8mQxxebTHJ
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) January 14, 2014
Join #virtualbookclub on Mon. 1-20 at 9 EST! We will be chatting about The Year of Billy Miller by Kevin Henkes! @epan11 @JuleeMurphy
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@daydreamreader) January 13, 2014
A momentary angel/ slips her small hand in mine/ skipping to the rhythm of joy./ Oh,the wonder of children!
— Nikki Grimes (@nikkigrimes9) January 13, 2014
Girl came to me w/ BATTLE BUNNY in her hand & concerned look on her face: "I really want to borrow this book but someone drew all over it!"
— Lauren Strohecker (@lkstrohecker) January 13, 2014
Hi, Pinners! Here's #MondayMotivation for you—dance away life's precious moments! Pin here: http://t.co/OPUI7goFIi pic.twitter.com/75COfANMPM
— Pinterest (@Pinterest) January 14, 2014
Our Lead Time quote for today: Fall seven times and stand up eight. - Japanese proverb #leaderinme
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 14, 2014
Student on CHU'S DAY: "I know why there are no words on those pages. Chu's sneeze blew them away!" @MrAdamRex @neilhimself #MockCaldecott
— Lauren Strohecker (@lkstrohecker) January 14, 2014
Psssst! Pass it on ..... #giveabook pic.twitter.com/ZSsbBa9fqI
— bookgivingday (@bookgivingday) January 14, 2014
My brain has too many tabs open....
— Lynda Mullaly Hunt (@LynMullalyHunt) January 14, 2014
When I see a kid reading in public it makes my heart happy. Love seeing what books #wildreaders are reading.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 14, 2014
My 2YO went up to the librarian and yelled, "ROAR!!!!" Gina explained that was her way of asking for MR TIGER GOES WILD....
— Jarrett J. Krosoczka (@StudioJJK) January 15, 2014
You know who's pretty swell?
You are. (Yeah, I do mean you.)
— Linda Urban (@lindaurbanbooks) January 15, 2014
Young reader: "How are you doing if you are still alive?" #iluvkids
— Sharon Creech (@ciaobellacreech) January 15, 2014
"Your characters are no longer fictional characters. They are now living, breathing people. In my heart, at least." #adorablechildemail
— Lisa Graff (@lisagraff) January 16, 2014
My sister placed this gnome door on her tree. Little kids leave notes. I love that she writes back. #halifax pic.twitter.com/rfTL0ofKzt
— Richard Levangie (@richardlevangie) January 16, 2014
3rd gr. boy walking up to my "What readers look like" mirror: "What a handsome reader! I wonder what he'll read next!" #schooljoy
— Erin Broderick (@librarybrods) January 16, 2014
I just can't work like this. pic.twitter.com/yjrvFq9ppZ
— Maggie Stiefvater (@mstiefvater) January 16, 2014
this dog saying no to his kennel is the best thing you'll see all day
http://t.co/7Tv8xe29he RT @BuzzFeed
— AWSupport (@support_aw) January 16, 2014
Most opportunities don't show up on a white horse. Usually you have to pick up a pencil and draw the horse and sometimes get a cow.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 17, 2014
Book Bloggers - be sure to let us know once you have this awesome badge on your website #giveabook pic.twitter.com/GVXzNj0zZv
— bookgivingday (@bookgivingday) January 17, 2014
As students pass by the library on their way home, they are stopping in tell me that they'll be reading this weekend! #happylibrarian
— Cynthia Alaniz (@utalaniz) January 17, 2014
.@nerdybookclub rules to live by: If you want students to be better readers...
#readingmatters pic.twitter.com/WkDQjRiY9p
— JoEllen McCarthy (@imalwayslearnin) January 17, 2014
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