And who can resist the wacky cakes featured on Cake Wrecks website, Sunday Sweets: At The Movies.
The World of The Hunger Games cover revealed. I certainly don't want to wish my life away, but March can't come soon enough to suit me.
Listen to the NPR interview of Walter Dean Myers, To Do Well In Life, You Have To "Read Well"
Rick Riordan's third book in the Kane Chronicles, The Serpent's Shadow, due out May 1, 2012 will have a 2 million copy first printing.
He's back, Scholastic Announces The Return of Captain Underpants.
This is a great interview about a fabulous author, Spielberg gives War Horse author Michael Morpurgo a chance to live his dream.
At Watch. Connect. Read.: Exploring Children's Literature through Book Trailers, a blog hosted by John Schumacher, take joy, as I did, in his Dan Santat post. 2012 is certainly going to be fun!
The American Association of School Librarians' president has initiated a petition that reads:
Ensure that every child in America has access to an effective school library program. It is located at The White House website, We The People. If you believe this to be true, it is imperative to stop by and sign the petition.
Mo Willems book, Hooray For Amanda & Her Alligator! has been nominated for the Kiddo Awards at James Patterson's ReadKiddoRead.Com site. It is one of the selections for our Mock Caldecott Award here at Charlevoix Elementary School. There are other categories of books in which to vote. Thanks Pigeon.
The Pigeon also retweeted a link to a quirky, innovative take on picture book characters, National Animalgraphic. Our world is filled with creative genius.
Richard Byrne at Free Technology for Teachers posted a thought provoking infographic about the effects of multitasking and technology, Infographic-Multitasking: Your Brain on Media.
The ALSC, Association for Library Service to Children, blog has listed the Notable Children's Recordings-2012 Discussion List. You could not go wrong with trying out those on this list.
Just for fun and who doesn't like fun, this video is a must see for lovers of books. Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo of Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Just this morning Larry tweeted this link which pretty much wraps up all the news about McDonald's and their new book give-away, Could McDonald's become a leading book retailer?
Here is an interview with the man behind the video, The Joy of Books. Thanks to Shelf
The lengths people will go to just turn a page; a video for the gallery. Who has the time to think up this stuff?
Read a interview with a fantastic young adult author whose book is just as fantastic, The Mane Event: Maggie Stiefvater on success, rejection, and her new novel, "The Scorpio Races".
If he writes like he played basketball readers are in for a treat, Interview: NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on His First Books for Kids.
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore iPad App Trailer link courtesy of Booklist. The part of me that loves movies thinks this is totally awesome but the book person in me says it will never take the place of holding a book in one's hands and turning the pages savoring each word and illustration.
I love that book video!