It's one of the best articles I've ever read on this topic.
To the first person who can tell me number one on this list, I will send a copy of The Lost Boy, the new graphic novel by Greg Ruth. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
What else should students in a reading class be doing but reading? A Repugnant Smudge by William Polking.
Thanks to the Nerdy Book Club for these tweets.
Are you looking for the ultimate present for the reading teenager in your life? Well, look no further---5 Great Gift Ideas for Your Bookish Tween or Teen
Are you looking for the ultimate present for the reading teenager in your life? Well, look no further---5 Great Gift Ideas for Your Bookish Tween or Teen

Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.
He has released his list for this year---The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2013
Thanks to educator and blogger at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... , Larry Ferlazzo for this post and tweet.

Take a peek at this list. What do you think of the 12 Rules The Best Teachers Live By?

Thanks to educator, Allison Jackson (@azajacks) for this tweet.
#Nerdlution is going strong. Not only are people sticking to their goals but they are writing about it too. Here is a link to a collection of #Nerdlution haiku, The Right Poems for the Right Time in the Right Space and six word reflections, There's Beauty in Brevity: Six Words from the #Nerdlution.
Plus get a load of this---The Collaborative Song: Tweeting 'bout a #Nerdlution
But this is the topper of the week---Projects Collide: When the #Nerdlution Song Met the #Nerdlution Stories
Thanks to Kevin Hodgson, educator and blogger at Kevin's Meandering Mind for these posts and tweets.

Thanks to educator, Allison Jackson (@azajacks) for this tweet.
#Nerdlution is going strong. Not only are people sticking to their goals but they are writing about it too. Here is a link to a collection of #Nerdlution haiku, The Right Poems for the Right Time in the Right Space and six word reflections, There's Beauty in Brevity: Six Words from the #Nerdlution.
Plus get a load of this---The Collaborative Song: Tweeting 'bout a #Nerdlution
But this is the topper of the week---Projects Collide: When the #Nerdlution Song Met the #Nerdlution Stories

Thanks to Donna Bambach, former edtech/edmedia professor at UCF in Orlando, for this tweet.
Have you made purchases yet for the bookish people in your life? There are some great suggestions in this post, 24 Insanely Clever Gifts For Book Lovers.
One of my favorite gifts on this list is number twenty. What is it? If you are the first person to guess correctly, I will send you a copy of Listening for Lucca by Suzanne LaFleur. Please send me a DM on Twitter or leave your answer in the comments below.

Thanks to Random House Canada for this tweet.

They keep on coming---The 13 Best Children's, Illustrated, and Picture Books of 2013
There are some beautiful and unique titles on this list.
To the first person who can tell me number seven on this list, I will send them a copy of that book. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.
Thanks to Brain Pickings for this post and tweet.
According to The Nonfiction Detectives blog these are the Best Nonfiction Books of 2013

Children and young adult books are capturing the adult market; Wonder makes the news.

Thanks to Random House Kids for this tweet.

Thanks to Scholastic for the tweet and the post.
Never doubt The Meaning of Libraries.

Thanks to HMH Kids for this tweet.
The book they made together is truly memorable. They talk about it here---A Message of Hope: Patricia MacLachlan, Steven Kellogg on 'Snowflakes Fall'.
Make sure you follow this link to Merlin's Guide to a Meaningful Life: The Seven Most Magical Words
And here come the book trailers!
Make sure you continually check the constant updates to Mr. Schu's 2013 Best Books Lists and Presentations and Interviews from the 2013 National Book Festival

Thanks to The Horn Book for this tweet.
Have you had a chance to look at and read Sandra Boynton's new book, Frog Trouble and Eleven Other Pretty Serious Songs? Enjoy this song.

Thanks to Walden Pond Press for this tweet.
Have you been looking for a new and different way to get books circulating? Introducing the Browse-O-Rama!

Thanks to Anderson's Bookshop for this tweet.
Have you marked the date for the January #SharpSchu Book Club? Check out the titles and get ready to chat up a storm.
Thanks to Colby Sharp, educator, co-host of the monthly #titletalk, co-host of the monthly #SharpSchu Book Club, co-founder of the Nerdy Book Club and blogger at sharpread for this tweet.

Thanks to NPR Books for this tweet.
Here is this week's collection of fun or meaningful tweets and quotes. I think little Miss Xena might have put one in here too; she's pretty sneaky.
Here’s a special treat for you! An #exclusive sneak preview of more of Jim Kay’s #HarryPotter illustrations: pic.twitter.com/bBIAzJxFib
— Bloomsbury UK (@BloomsburyBooks) December 7, 2013
These guys at the gym this AM seem to be training for some endurance event or something. pic.twitter.com/RrXzl5iizh
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) December 7, 2013
The Little One just yelled “CUPCAKES" did a little dance, then looked at me, smiled, and said “I just can’t help myself.”
— Adam Lehrhaupt (@Lehrhaupt) December 7, 2013
The next #nctechat will be Sun 12/15 8 PM ET. Topic: bringing #ncte13 back to your classroom.
— Beth Shaum (@BethShaum) December 7, 2013
"There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book." -Frank Serafini
— Walden Pond Press (@WaldenPondPress) December 8, 2013
Creative ideas don't just came out of the blue. You are a melange of what you let into your life and what you do reflects that mixture.
— Seymour Simon (@seymoursimon) December 8, 2013
Join #virtualbookclub on 12/16 at 9 pm EST! We will be chatting about favorite 2013 books: PB, MG & YA! What are some of your favorites?
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@daydreamreader) December 8, 2013
Liam: Mom, I just hit a sad part in Wonder. One word, Daisy.
Me: Do you need to talk about it?
Liam: No, I need to read.
— Katherine Sokolowski (@katsok) December 9, 2013
The Common Snore. http://t.co/yRfa6tK7oK
— Peter H. Reynolds (@peterhreynolds) December 9, 2013
School visit. Tell me about your pets: 'My sister put a goldfish in her mouth.' Oh did she put it back in the bowl? 'No.' Ok...anyone else?
— Sarah Lean (@SarahLean1) December 9, 2013
Know what this is? Enter our #MysteryImageContest! We have two sets of prizes. Details: http://t.co/yKOmL19TCM pic.twitter.com/DTXotxlyIp
— Science NetLinks (@ScienceNetLinks) December 9, 2013
KID MAIL: Do you have a husband? I do not. I am only seven years old.
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) December 9, 2013
I just did a little dance in the kitchen because I found out my interlibrary loan request is in. Does that make me a nerd?
— Kate Messner (@KateMessner) December 9, 2013
Oh, to be able to nap like this. http://t.co/t5IOXDLRhK
— Ree Drummond (@thepioneerwoman) December 9, 2013
Feel free to download holiday version of my TURN IT OFF & READ A BOOK poster: http://t.co/Vgc9xkisQM pic.twitter.com/kUadRNYri1
— Debbie Ridpath Ohi (@inkyelbows) December 9, 2013
I've never experienced as magical a moment while reading aloud to kids as I experienced today reading Because of Winn-Dixie to my students.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) December 9, 2013
Hope that every kid has the chance to hear Charlotte's Web, Because of Winn-Dixie, and #theoneandonlyivan read aloud to them before grade 5.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) December 9, 2013
Photo: Heck yeah. http://t.co/BDMnyDKrTk
— Maria Selke (@mselke01) December 10, 2013
I think I like this... pic.twitter.com/sJ02eXmSXD
— Gerald Kelley (@GeraldKelley) December 10, 2013
Question from a 4th grader: Do people recognize you in the grocery store? #thankfullyno
— Barbara O'Connor (@barbaraoconnor) December 10, 2013
Via The Unbounded Spirit pic.twitter.com/OuGr8Xm5ar
— _/)_BlueOcean_QUEST (@ErSEA_SHIPsCo) December 11, 2013
AUSTENLAND video release announced http://t.co/MsVdnAh4Y3
— Shannon Hale (@haleshannon) December 11, 2013
Snow day. pic.twitter.com/9eqdAZoGMV
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) December 12, 2013
the most googled ending to the question "What is the word for" is... (and I have to say I love this) "the smell of rain"
— Amy Krouse Rosenthal (@missamykr) December 13, 2013
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