Four months are still left in 2013 but people are already looking down the road at 2014 releases. Some titles to note--2014: It's Never Too Early to Get Excited
Thanks to Elizabeth Bird, New York Public Library Youth Materials Collection Specialist and blogger at A Fuse #8 Production for this post and tweet.
Are you ready for this week's book trailers? They are as varied as the authors who write the books. Don't be surprised.
Don't forget to jot down this date, March 5, 2014. It's World Read Aloud Day and this earlier date, October 3, 2013, Read For The Record. And of course the date for the next #SharpSchu Book Club (Follow the link for all the great info.)
Are you ready for the premiere of The Watsons Go to Birmingham airing on September 20, 2013 on the Hallmark Channel?
Every resourceful, Mr. Schu posted a letter Donalyn Miller featured on her blog in 2010 which was sent home, Dear Parents: At-Home Reading.
Harry Potter, 15 Years Later: J. K. Rowling Speaks! Who does she miss the most?
Don't loose this link for Mr. Schu's Book Release Calendar.
Great list of back to school books for those not quite ready, Bouncing Back to School: Great Books for Easing First Day Jitters
To the first person who can tell me the title of Robert Neubecker's book I will send a copy of I Loathe You written and illustrated by David Slonim. Please send me a DM on Twitter or leave your answer in the comments below. (This title has been won.)
Thank you John Schumacher, teacher librarian, 2011 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, 2014 Newbery Award Medal Committee member, co-host of the monthly #SharpSchu Book Club on Twitter, and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. for all of this weeks tweets.

You have to take a minute to read this love letter E. B. White wrote to his wife as if Daisy their dog were writing it.
Thanks to Brain Pickings for these tweets and posts.

Teaching with technology has allowed collaboration between teachers to increase by leaps and bounds, not only in your own building but in other states and countries. Here are several ideas, 5 Amazing Ways To Collaborate With Another Class.
Thanks to Kim Campbell, educator for this tweet.
Here's a great visual for elements in story, The Story Coaster.

Thanks to Michell Haseltine, educator and blogger at Crayons and Pencils for this tweet.
A word from Terry Shay on his blog about creativity and International Dot Day.
Have you seen these imaginative pieces of art at Celebri-Dots this week from Kirby Larson, Kristi Valiant, Barbara O'Connor, Bonnie Becker, Cynthia Lord and Russ Cox.
To the first person who can tell me which dot features the most sea glass I will send a copy of Have Fun, Molly Lou Mellon written by Patty Lovell with illustrations by David Catrow. Leave your answer in the comments below or please send me a DM on Twitter. (This has been won.)

Thanks to teacher librarian, 2012 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, ALA/NYT I Love My Librarian Winner, co-founder of #levelupbc and blogger at The Adventures of Library Girl, Jennifer LaGarde, for this tweet.
I've been seeing quite a few tweets the past couple of weeks about creating classroom websites using Weebly. Check out this post, How to Create a Website With Weebly.

Thanks to educator, presenter and blogger at Free Technology For Teachers, Richard Byrne for this post and tweet.

Thanks to author Sharon Creech who also writes beautiful blog posts at Words We Say for this tweet. Her website can be found at this link; it's loaded with resources.
Last Sunday Twitter was hot with #titletalk hosted by Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp. Here is the archive of that chat. It's jam-packed with ideas and insights.

To the first person who can tell me the location (city and country) of the Lello Bookstore I will send a copy of The Gingerbread Man Loose on the Fire Truck written by Laura Murray with illustrations by Mike Lowery. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send it to me via DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to Book Riot for this tweet and post.
I have a new place to visit thanks to Travis Jonker. This week he shared Zen Pencils Cartoon Quotes From Inspirational Folks. The cartoonist is Bill Watterson. It's fantastic. I'm not kidding. I really mean it.
Back-To-School Reading list from The Horn Book is a winner.

Thank you, Travis, teacher librarian, 2014 Caldecott Medal Committee member and blogger at 100 Scope Notes for this tweet.
Have you listened to this week's podcast feature, Let's Get Busy with author Bridget Heos ?

Thank you to Matthew C. Winner, elementary library media specialist, 2013 Library Journal Tech Leader, co-founder of #levelupbc and blogger at The Busy Librarian for this tweet.
There is just no excuse for not having decorative and informative visuals in your libraries and classrooms. Be sure to visit Fall decorating: a round-up of smart (and free) posters.

Thanks to teacher librarian, technology integrationist, and blogger, Donna Macdonald for this tweet.

Thank to Neil Gaiman for this tweet.
This is a timely and very good video about online safety for our younger students.
Thanks to Debbie Alvarez, teacher librarian in Hong Kong and blogger at The Styling Librarian for this tweet and post.

Thanks to author Amy Krouse Rosenthal for this endeavor and this tweet.
I can't stop laughing at the illustrations in Dan Santat's books. He has another one being released. Here is the book trailer.

This is for all of you---Calling All Teachers: A Picture Book Month Special Request

Thanks to Maria Burel, classroom teacher, teacher librarian, author and blogger Once Upon a Story at for this tweet.
Enjoy my gathered quotes and tweets from this week. (I think Xena's been typing on my computer again lately.)
Photo: Thanks. This helped adjust my attitude :)
— Maria Selke (@mselke01) August 24, 2013
I always cherish the little things, for there are far more little things in life than big things. All the littles add up to bigger than big.
— 匕คrค lคzค尺 ツ (@taralazar) August 25, 2013
At the start of the school year I always miss my students from the previous year.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) August 25, 2013
“@kristinellis121: A teacher's prayer - here's to the best year ever! #presslc #educhat #educoach” Beautiful prayer!
— Michelle Haseltine (@Mhaseltine) August 25, 2013
If you give a n educator a vacation, they're going to read a book. #nesteryear2 #cisdlib #cisdlearns
— debramarshall (@debramarshall) August 25, 2013
I'm done with shameless self promotion on twitter. Its rude and annoying. Man, this coffee is good!
— Loren Long (@lorenlong) August 26, 2013
My dog's tongue is long... He also has a psychotic look in his eye...
— Dan Santat (@dsantat) August 26, 2013
Thanks to all the great dogs who help build the self esteem of young readers at libraries. #NationalDogDay
— (@AtYourLibrary) August 26, 2013
Funny post-it someone in my class put on Giants Beware!
— Christina Williams (@CWilliams2323) August 26, 2013
Asked Luke if he was enjoying being in my reading class so far. His response, "Yes. It makes me feel like home." Love that kid.
— Katherine Sokolowski (@katsok) August 26, 2013
But for every reading memory personal narrative that points to CHOICE, there are just as many that point to joy derived from READ-ALOUDS.
— Paul W. Hankins (@PaulWHankins) August 26, 2013
Somewhere in America, a teacher is practicing the art of turning the page as they continue reading for their first read-aloud of the year.
— Paul W. Hankins (@PaulWHankins) August 27, 2013
Creativity isn't the thing you do. Being creative is what you do to get things done.
— Kazu Kibuishi (@boltcity) August 27, 2013
Moonlight. End of summer. Sigh.
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) August 27, 2013
Spending a day with @AmeDyckman is like being invited to party backstage at Disney World. Unbelievable. Thanks for a great day.
— Adam Lehrhaupt (@Lehrhaupt) August 28, 2013
Watching your child fall in love with a book gives you a greater appreciation of the power of the written word. #captainunderpants :)
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) August 28, 2013
Calling picture book lovers: #CallingCaldecott starts again next week!
— The Horn Book (@HornBook) August 29, 2013
I looked through heavy lashes, though the window, through lean trees to see my blue moon staring back at me #MOONDAY
— Adam Rex (@MrAdamRex) August 29, 2013
How do you like my new hat? #salaciouscrumb
— OrigamiYoda (@OrigamiYoda) August 29, 2013
It's things like this that distract me from writing -
— Lisa Yee (@LisaYee1) August 30, 2013
My son has autism. His sweet classmate gave him this note because she is glad he is in her class.…
— Gigi McAllister (@GigiMcAreads) August 31, 2013
Such a fantastic idea- what is your reading footprint? #nerdybookclub #kidlit #tlchat #edchat readin
— Debbie Alvarez (@stylinlibrarian) August 31, 2013
It's official: Tomie dePaola is the sweetest funniest person in the world.
— LaurelSnyder (@LaurelSnyder) August 31, 2013
Things that make life great!
— Ben Clanton (@Clantoons) August 31, 2013