The challenge of retelling Grimms' fairy tales is a thoughtful essay written by Philip Pullman. His book Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version is slated for release on November 8, 2012. Pullman will be retelling fifty of his favorites offering commentary at the end of each.
Thanks to Guardian Books for this tweet.

Thanks to Kevin Hodgson, sixth grade teacher and blogger at Kevin's Meandering Mind.
If you really want to spend the best hour all month mark down this date, time and event. The SharpSchu Book Club will be meeting on Twitter on October 3, 2012 at 7:00 PM CDT. Five picture books will be discussed.
Where's Waldo? It's his birthday. It's hard to believe but 25 years of asking: Iconic children's book character celebrates a quarter-century.
I was so excited when my personal copy of Patricia Polacco's new book, Bully arrived. This is her commentary video. Plus here is a link to some bookmarks.
A reminder---November Picture Book Month A Celebration!
The first tweet (plus others) is courtesy of John Schumacher, Library Journal Mover & Shaker 2011, teacher librarian and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. His co-host is Colby Sharp, fourth grade teacher in Michigan and blogger at sharpread.
Please join Colby Sharp and Donalyn Miller, fourth grade teacher in Texas and author of The Book Whisperer, on Twitter at 8:00 PM EST on September 30, 2012 for #titletalk. The topic will be booktalking with kids.

Sincerest thanks to author Patrick Ness for this tweet.

Thanks to Maria Popova of Brain Pickings.

Thanks go to Buffy Hamilton, high school librarian in Canton, Georgia, 2011 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and blogger at The Unquiet Librarian.

Thanks go to Sarah Ducharme, elementary school librarian in Budapest and blogger at Try Curiosity.
Author/illustrator Stephen McCranie has posted another comic titled Know You Don't Know which not only showcases his art but gives readers something to ponder.
Mal & Chad Wallpaper---Wow

Thanks to Stephen McCranie for his posts.

Many thanks to Bobbie Pyron for this post and for writing the books she writes. (Xena loves them.)
For fans of food and books, it doesn't get much better than this--The Tail of Peter Rabbit? 161-year-old Beatrix Potter recipe book goes on sale.
It was an evening to celebrate children's books--The 2012 Carle Honors: Wit, Wisdom, and One Very Drunk Puppet.

Thanks to Children's Bookshelf of Publishers Weekly for this tweet.
If you want to get the inside scoop from authors/illustrators head over to Video interview on NBC Learn(s).
Loads of thanks to Mo Willems' Pigeon for this tweet.

Thanks for this tweet and a glimpse into this story, Barbara O'Connor.

Thanks to Grace Lin for giving her readers another book showcasing her gifted storytelling skills and for this tweet.
If this doesn't make you want to read the books and watch the movies all over again, I don't know what will. Just The Spells from all the movies.
Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.

Many thanks to Tony DiTerlizzi for this tweet.

Thanks to StudyBlue for tweeting about this infographic.

Many thanks to Matt Tavares for this look at these beautiful pictures.
I could not resist some of these quotes. I am sorry about having so many but it was just one of those weeks.
“A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” ~ C.S. Lewis...
— ReadingIsFundamental (@RIFWEB) September 18, 2012
Have a smile! Happy Saturday! What are you reading this weekend? instagr.am/p/P4WKxeB6MZ/
— Jen Vincent (@mentortexts) September 22, 2012
What a perfect day for a drive—wind in your face, ears flapping in the breeze. twitter.com/SandyBoynton/s…
— Sandra Boynton (@SandyBoynton) September 22, 2012
"I encourage you to go to the library because it's part of our civic participation." @realjohngreen #NatBookFest
— Rebecca Oxley (@LibrariansFTW) September 22, 2012
Walter Dean Myers says comic books have 5x the language as evening news:an important literacy tool. #NatBookFest
— Judy Polak (@jfpolak) September 22, 2012
Happy First Day of Autumn 2012! ... BONK! fb.me/1V0gMQX2N
— MuttsComics (@muttscomics) September 22, 2012
I'm not totally anti-kindle but I do think books are best when you open them like little doors because that is what they are, really.
— Matt Haig (@matthaig1) September 22, 2012
After seeing the crowds @ #NatBookFest in DC, I'm certain the physical book is here to stay for a long time. Esp. children's picture books!
— Peter H. Reynolds(@peterhreynolds) September 22, 2012
Just got my first marriage proposal from a reader. Of course, he's ten. But I'm willing to wait! ;-)
— Kirby Larson (@KirbyLarson) September 24, 2012
Mary Pope Osborne just shared that Alexander the Great and Harry Houdini will be featured in future Magic Tree House books.
— John Schu (@MrSchuReads) September 28, 2012
A student told me today that his dog ate his homework. It was his entire novel, Flush. Gone. His dad had to go store to buy a new one.
— KevinHodgson (@dogtrax) September 28, 2012