There were too many goodies not to pass along this link to Video Sunday: Han shot first.

Mr. John Schumacher and his friend, Donna, also a teacher librarian, have been on tour this week spreading the joy of reading in the southern States. Follow their adventures, see the sights at Let's Go South '12: Two Friends, a Gorilla, and a Map.
Mr. Schu's other blog is Watch. Connect. Read.
This writing technique is easy and adds the element of fun, Teachers Write 8: What's Your Number? :-)
This was tweeted by young adult author, Jo Knowles on her blog this week.
Amelia Elizabeth Walden Winner Announced!
Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.
Now is your chance to make your voice heard, Best-Ever Teen Novels? Vote For Your Favorites. The hard part is only being able to select ten.
In case you're curious as to how the list was generated read this, Best YA Fiction Poll: You Asked, We Answer!
Thanks for these tweets goes to NPR Books.
Xena insisted that I post this retweet. (I have to remember to start making a note of who retweets some of these.) 10 of the Most Beloved Dogs in Literature Agree? Disagree?
Speaking of dogs, author/illustrator Chris Haughton (Oh No, George) tweeted about this video to commemorate the Summer Olympics 2012.
Thanks to author Roland Smith for the tweet that sent people to this video.
A guest blogger at Free Technology for Teachers shared a fantastic idea for integrating technology into classroom projects inviting discussions on copyright and critical thinking skills, Make PicMonkey Collages to Pique Kids' Interest in Books.
Thanks to Richard Byrne for the tweet.
Okay, fans of The World of Earthsea, rejoice! I can still remember reading these for the very first time. A re-visit to this world created by Ursula LeGuin is long overdue.
Thanks to HMHKids for this tweet.
Doug TenNapel author/illustrator of the graphic novels, Ghostopolis, Bad Island and the soon to be released Cardboard, has created a webcomic called Nnewts. Check it out.
Thanks to Doug TenNapel.
Having the space for one of these in a library media center would be the best of the best, Giant Scrabble at Canton Public Library.
Thanks to Travis Jonker librarian and blogger at 100 Scope Notes for this tweet.
I wonder if they could make this into a poster for fans of Harry Potter, Every "Harry Potter" Chapter Illustration.
Thanks to Scholastic for this tweet.
Well-known and much loved children's book author, Margaret Mahy passed away this week. Here is only a small portion of the many tweets recalling her contribution to the world of books and reading.
:-( Children's author & former librarian Margaret Mahy has died. @BookmanBeattie's moving tribute:
— Debbie Ohi (@inkyelbows) July 23, 2012
Sad news for fans of Margaret Mahy. The Hans Christian Andersen Award winner has passed away. @SimonKids #kidlit
— CBC Book (@CBCBook) July 23, 2012
Margaret Mahy
— Monica Edinger (@medinger) July 24, 2012
. @kristincashore's touching ode to Margaret Mahey, who inspired the name of her blog: "This Is My Secret" #RIP
— CBC Book (@CBCBook) July 26, 2012
RIP Margaret Mahy, the Grande Dame of New Zealand children's literature and friend of The Horn Book
— The Horn Book (@HornBook) July 24, 2012
Here are some of my favorites quotes tweeted this week.
“What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.” ― Harold Howe
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) July 21, 2012
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein #preorder
— Sterling Children's(@SterlingKids) July 26, 2012
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