Having had a kindhearted and wise principal when Xena was a puppy, I was allowed to bring her to school every day for the first six months. (She was so tiny I had to feed her three times a day.) The students loved sharing their story times with her. Xena still gets excited when entering the school building. That's why the contents of this article, Read to a Dog, came as no surprise to me.

This is some overlap here with other notables in this post but Book Awards Roundup: Rainbow List, Amelia Bloomer Project, and Other Non-YMA Awards As an example of this, the Amelia Bloomer Project link given below is more inclusive.
This is excellent, excellent news, Lemony Snicket Sponsors Prize for Librarians Facing Adversity
Thanks to School Library Journal for this tweet.
The hour flew by as people predicted titles which might receive honors for six of the American Library Association Youth Media Awards during #titletalk last Sunday. If you missed it the archive is here.

Prior to the announcements at the American Library Association, the 2014 Recipients of American Indian Library Association's Youth Literature Award were released.

Thanks to Debbie Reese, educator, student and contributor at the American Indians In Children's Literature web site, for this tweet and post.
Take a moment, if you haven't already, to read Reading as a Lifelong Lifeline by Jane Kise.

You cannot imagine all the tweets, links and videos filling my Twitter feed during and after the awards were revealed. Rather than list them all here, I've made a virtual corkboard posting as many as I can using an online application called Spaaze. Here is the link to the board titled American Library Association Youth Media Awards. I will continue to add to it. The link to my post about Spaaze is here.
This week we also learned of the winning titles for the 2014 Amelia Bloomer Project, a list of the best feminist books for readers from birth through the age of eighteen.
To the first person who can tell me the title of the first book listed, I will send a copy of Clementine and the Spring Trip by Sara Pennypacker with illustrations by Marla Frazee. Please DM me your answer on Twitter or leave it in the comments below. (This title has been won.)
Wow! What a list by the Young Adult Library Services Association! 2014 Best Fiction for Young Adults

One of the outstanding posts this week at the Nerdy Book Club speaks to the importance, purpose and impact of historical fiction, Revising Historical Friction by Laurel Snyder.
I for one really appreciate the efforts of the committee chair for this post, Demystifying the Schneider Family Book Award by Alyson Beecher.

Thanks to the Nerdy Book Club for these tweets and posts.
Take a trip down memory lane watching this video as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt celebrates their years of publishing. I don't know about you, but I saw many, many favorite titles.
And away we go with the new book (and app) trailers for the week. It looks like we have another fantastic year of reading ahead. Lucky us!
Make sure to mark your calendars and read the book for what promises to be an hour of hilarity this month for the #SharpSchu Book Club.
During the previous week a series of videos were released highlighting conversations between Newbery Medalist Kate DiCamillo and Katherine Paterson. They are truly amazing. They are linked here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Katherine Paterson talks about Kate DiCamillo's book Because of Winn Dixie here. (I shed a few tears myself.)
All of the above videos are also included in the Storify titled Cyber-Sleuth---Mr. Schu Says.
Booklist released Top 10 Black History Books for Youth: 2014
Today is Take Your Child to the Library Day!
Take note of the titles on this list by the Association for Library Service to Children---2014 Notable Children's Books
To the first person who can tell me the first book on this list I reviewed and Xena love, I will send a copy of Rutherford B. Who Was He?: Poems about Our Presidents by Marilyn Singer with illustrations by John Hendrix. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

I know I can hardly wait to listen to this week's podcast, Let's Get Busy with author illustrator Deborah Freedman. I review two of her books, The Story of Fish & Snail and Blue Chicken.

There are some new dots at Celebri-dots by Sage Blackwood and Aileen Stewart.

Three of the judges' names for the 2014 Battle of the Kids' Books have been released. The articles are linked here, here and here. I think this is going to be an interesting battle.
To the first person who can tell me the first three names of the judges, I will send a copy of the new, final Lunch Lady book, Lunch Lady and the Schoolwide Scuffle by Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

In case you've been on another planet and just returned, here is the trailer for the movie The Fault in Our Stars.
Thanks to author John Green for this tweet and this book.
Lucky for all of us he was willing to share and took the time for this post, Gallery: These Picture Books Have Secrets. It's the first thing I do whenever I get a book; remove the dusk jacket to look at the case.
Don't miss this interview by Travis Jonker---The Kate Connection: DiCamillo Talks About her Role as National Ambassador for Young People's Literature
To the first person who can tell me the answer to the final question in the interview, I will send a copy of Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures by Kate DiCamillo with illustrations by K. G. Campbell. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
They've been updated. The Newbery Medal Infographic The Caldecott Medal Infographic
Thanks for these tweets go to Travis Jonker, teacher librarian, member of the 2014 Caldecott Medal Committee and blogger at 100 Scope Notes.
This announcement is going to make a bunch of fans happy, Rainbow Rowell signs two-book deal with First Second--EXCLUSIVE
Thanks to Fierce Reads for this tweet.
If you are in the midst of or getting ready to celebrate The Chinese New Year here is an updated list of resources.

I wonder how these books will read for the intended audience? David Baldacci Launches Kids' Fantasy Series
Take the time to read this outstanding article, Kate DiCamillo: "It's Easier To Do The Work Than It Is Not To Do The Work"

Thanks to Children's Bookshelf of Publishers Weekly for these tweets.
Here is yet another fantastic list of must read books---The Great Multicultural Children's Books of 2013 You Might Have Missed
Twitter users know this but perhaps there is something here to share with others---10 ways Twitter makes me a better educator

Get ready for an enlightening chat this Monday evening---#GeniusCon TL Webinar

Thanks to teacher librarian and blogger at The Library Fanatic, Sherry Glick for this tweet and post.
Here's a handy chart and reminder, The ABCs of Digital Citizenship.

Enjoy this gathering of tweets with favorite pictures, quotes, observations and announcements which Xena and I think are important.
In approximately 45 minutes, I get to cuddle this dog for the first time in five days. I'm already squealing!! pic.twitter.com/5m9CFnOhtI
— Natalie Lloyd (@_natalielloyd) January 26, 2014
Spend time with those. ..#quotes #quote pic.twitter.com/xNwkkpQpr3
— Live Life To Fullest (@PicsNquote) January 26, 2014
This young man sits on the side of Empire Road in Johannesburg and instead of begging he provides book reviews. Wow! pic.twitter.com/ssjOAd4EaV
— booksaremybag (@booksaremybag) January 27, 2014
Illustrators are like alchemists and wizards to me. There's always a "How did they do that??" feeling I get when I see something great.
— Drew Daywalt (@DrewDaywalt) January 27, 2014
One day ago at this time I was cryin' a little that people still get so excited about books. (Still am.) Long live librarians and @SimonKIDS
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 28, 2014
Seen on airplane: mom urging daughter to move faster down the aisle. Daughter too distracted -- reading @OrigamiYoda's FAKE MUSTACHE. Love.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 28, 2014
Join #virtualbookclub on 2/17/14 @ 9pm EST! We are chatting about the Newbery winner: Flora and Ulysses! @epan11 @JuleeMurphy @KGCampbell2
— Niki Ohs Barnes (@daydreamreader) January 28, 2014
When I'm in a room that's lined with books I feel like I'm being hugged.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 28, 2014
KID MAIL: Your books are very very excellent. I would put you on top of an ice-cream Sunday.
— Laura Numeroff (@LauraNumeroff) January 28, 2014
@brianwyzlic @bobsturdy @writerlexiryan @rex_lisasaurus pic.twitter.com/x8KCkEgkpt
— Tonia (@toniasturdy) January 28, 2014
No babies on the horizon (read ever), so we are naming our new pup Flora instead. She will be coming home in 4 weeks pic.twitter.com/Thglbaz9wl
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) January 29, 2014
After I shared the Caldecott titles with students, I had to remind them time and time again that it was Mr. WUFFLES and not Mr. WAFFLES.
— Dylan Teut (@dylanteut) January 30, 2014
3rd grade girl to me "I love books so much I think I am becoming a nerd!" Me: "We can be book nerds together!" Then we high fived. <3
— School Librarian (@TiffanyE) January 30, 2014
Third grader: I'm so glad that today is Friday. Me: Um...it's Thursday. Third grader: Nope. It's Friday. Me: Sounds good to me.
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) January 30, 2014
I always ask kids what the hardest part about writing is. The boy who said "dyslexia" yesterday is giving me the strength to face the page.
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) January 30, 2014
RT @theresamax “Sharing is caring! RT ~ @MarcoLXIX @seelenbluemchen: pic.twitter.com/OQvdlT1Jie
— Fun London (@fun_london) January 30, 2014
My next book will be published Spring 2015. It’s called Read Between The Lines and it’s YA. #BookNews :-)
— Jo Knowles (@JoKnowles) January 30, 2014
#plantmilkweed Save the Monarch! http://t.co/dycKCF4Olt via @thereadingzone
— Sarah Mulhern Gross (@thereadingzone) January 30, 2014
Reading a book isn't just about connecting to the author. It's about connecting to everyone who's read & loved the book. C. Myers #tctela
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) January 31, 2014
Engagement does not mean making something fun. It is about creating conditions in classroom that foster engagement. @donalynbooks
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) January 31, 2014
Today's doodle is in honor of Take Your Child To The Library Day (TODAY!): pic.twitter.com/tW3z1ghS4e
— Debbie Ridpath Ohi (@inkyelbows) February 1, 2014
Just 19 days until the next big picture book event: Nonfiction 10 for 10 http://t.co/Wfsolbl6QL Join us! #nf10for10 @jacbalen @mandyrobek
— Cathy Mere (@CathyMere) February 1, 2014
#CallingCaldecott: Want to know what the #Caldecott committee members were thinking this year? Here's what. http://t.co/KzsHJrS984
— The Horn Book (@HornBook) February 1, 2014
Rosie Revere, Engineer. :)