A resource-filled website was brought to my attention, Writer's Notebook, hosted by Julie Ballew, literacy coach.
Thanks to Donalyn Miller, reader, teacher, blogger and author of The Book Whisperer found at The Book Whisperer for this tweet.
File this under the best possible way to extend the enjoyment of a favorite book to its masses of readers, Harry Potter summer camp brings Hogwarts to Riverhead.
A tip of the hat to Travis Jonker, elementary school librarian, reviewer for School Library Journal and blogger at 100 Scope Notes.

Many thanks to Scholastic Teachers for this tweet.
Ever since I enjoyed my first book, the way they are put together, the flow of words, the illustrations and medium used, the feel of the paper, the binding and the typeface, has been fascinating; the combined arts creating a pleasing whole. Check out the Periodic Table of Typeface.
Thanks to Galley Cat for this tweet.
Thanks goes to Jo Knowles, young adult author and blogger for her post this week titled:
Teachers Write 10: Who Do You Love? How Do You Love?
For many students the act of mind-mapping is an engaging way to promote language and writing. I found this article full of promise, Language Gardening--Using Grammatical Mind Maps in Language Learning.
Thanks to Joan Young, elementary teacher and academic coach, blogging at Finding Ways for All Kids to Flourish.
Ever on the lookout for opportunities to educate staff and students about the value of copyright, I appreciated this post, New Creative Commons license chooser, at NeverEndingSearch by blogger and high school librarian, Joyce Valenza. Thanks!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could truly step into your favorite book or at the very least---10 Artifacts from Literature That We Wish Were Real.
I would love to have a garage door like this. Talk about a statement proclaiming what you love.
Thanks to Scholastic for these tweets.
This link to a video interview, Author Walter Dean Myers: 'Reading Is Not Optional' for Kids is a must see. Thanks for John Schumacher for this tweet.
Thanks to John Schmacher, elementary librarian, for the tweet about this video regarding the Ivy and Bean books. It pairs nicely with the next tweet. Be sure to visit on a daily basis his blog at Watch. Connect. Read.
Celebrate The 1st Annual International Ivy & Bean Day, October 13, 2012.
Thanks to Chronicle Kids for the link and tweet.
NPR Books conducted a poll and here are the results: Your Favorites: 100 Best Ever Teen Novels.
As soon as it came out I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Although there were parts where I could not stop crying for pages and pages, it was so well written and moving, when he tweeted about a video he posted on YouTube, I had to watch it. Clearly he is a writer geared for young adults and high school teens. But for some reason this video says it all. Writers care about their readers, educators care about their students. Let's hope this is the best school year ever!

An Open Letter to Students Returning to School
Elementary librarian, Debbie Alvarez (recently moved to Hong Kong from Oregon) posts, Styling Librarian: Retro Post on Reading Styles-appealing characteristics in books: This essay is an excellent opportunity to think about what we read and why. Thanks for the post and tweet.
When you think about science fiction and its authors like Jules Verne and what has come true, it's pretty amazing. Check out this---Ray Bradbury Predictions Fulfilled [infographic]
Thanks for this tweet goes to Jennifer Lagarde, 2012 Library Journal Mover & Shaker found at The Adventures of Library Girl.
Under the category of I have to do this---Create a Screensaver of Your Favorite Books
A Harry Potter Periodic Table ?

Thanks to Random House for these tweets.
These are a few of my collectible quotes for the week.
"A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic." Carl Sagan on books j.mp/KiktIo
— Brain Pickings (@brainpickings) August 4, 2012
"To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." — Victor Hugo
— Scholastic Teachers (@ScholasticTeach) August 4, 2012
As I read, I'm putting into practice what I'll share with my class this year. I'll know how to respond to students because I've been there.
— Cynthia Alaniz (@utalaniz) August 8, 2012
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William A. Ward
— Scholastic Teachers (@ScholasticTeach) August 8, 2012
"I believe in standardizing automobiles, not human beings." - Albert Einstein
— Joan Young(@flourishingkids) August 10, 2012
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