
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Twitterville Talk Hiatus

On Monday past I sent out a tweet stating I was signing off Twitter for the remainder of the week.  This would mean there would be no Twitterville Talk on Saturday.  It occurred to me I might have a number of readers who do not hold accounts on Twitter.

In order for me to put together the best post each Saturday (my Mom drilled into me...anything worth doing is worth doing right) is to make sure I don't miss any tweets which appear in my feed.  I begin every morning going back to the last tweet I read before signing off at the end of my day.  If several hours pass during the day without access to my Twitter account, my goal is reading as many earlier tweets as possible to close the gap.

For the past twelve days four or more hours of my time have been needed in another direction.  At this juncture it appears as though this is going to continue for several more weeks.  With that kind of time commitment, maintaining Twitterville Talk is not an option.  If only I could tweet and read tweets in my sleep.

I think most of you who follow my blog know the value I place on Twitter.  Initially it was a forum for connecting with professionals in the field of education growing to connecting with authors and illustrators.  To say it is a life-changer would be an understatement.

I have met incredible people virtually first and then in person at conferences and during Skype contacts. It is a support group like none other I have ever encountered.  I definitely miss being a part of the daily conversations but I look forward to joining again soon.  It is my hope for Twitterville Talk to return with gusto.  Thanks to all of you.


  1. I am so afraid that this is because of Xena. Whatever it is, let me know if I can do anything to help you. I am around all week.

    1. Xena is holding her own for right now, Dana. Her arthritis is making it hard for her to move but we just go on shorter walks. Your offer of help means the world to me. Thank you.

  2. As someone who has to juggle several balls every day, I understand. Good luck with the other project and hope you can rejoin Twitter later. Your voice will be missed in the meantime.

    1. Thank you, Lynne. I certainly appreciate your support.

  3. Sending best wishes your way, Margie. I'll be thinking of you and Xena, too!

    1. Thank you Donna. We appreciate all your kind thoughts. I hope spring is making her presence known in Vermont.
