
Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's A Challenge--2013-2014--Let The Sun Shine In

As 2013 came to a close an honor was making its way through the blogging community.  In some posts it was listed as a nomination for the Sunshine Award.  In other posts it was listed as a blogging challenge.  How fortunate for me, I received attention from both Amy Rudder, blogging at The 'Rudd'erand Michelle Haseltine, blogging at One Grateful Teacher.

The guidelines are:
  • acknowledge the nominating blogger
  • share 11 random facts about yourself
  • answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger creates for you
  • list 11 bloggers and 
  • post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated.  Don't nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

Eleven Random Facts About Me

1.  The first time I ever got to drive the boat home after my Dad and I went fishing, I ran it up on the dock.

2.  I got my picture in the Benzie Record when I was nine years old for catching a four pound- two ounce small mouth bass.

3.  When in junior high school I was a teen reporter for the Lansing State Journal.

4.  My first job was working in a flower shop.

5.  I have a lilac bush I've moved twice because my eighth grade home room class gave it to me more than fourteen years ago.  Where I go, the bush goes.

6.  Before there was digital photography, I had a darkroom in my home.  I won a blue ribbon in the black and white division at the county fair.

7.  Almost as much as books, I love movies.  There are several hundred in my collection.

8.  Winter is my favorite season.  Hiking or snowshoeing through drifts of snow in the silent woods with Xena, my chocolate lab, is a slice of heaven.

9.  During the first part of March, I will be glued to my computer screen for most of the day.  I am a huge fan of the Iditarod.

10.  Cooking for others makes me happy.  There are eighty-one cookbooks in my collection.

11.  I pretended to be one of the Power Rangers for months one year when a colleague's son was extremely ill.  I wrote letters and left gifts.

Amy's Questions

1.  What's your most favorite children's book ever?
What I can remember the most about reading when I was younger is waiting anxiously for the next Nancy Drew book to be released.  I also still have my set of The Tall Book Of series.

2.  What's your favorite young adult novel?  
One of my favorite young adult novels is The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.  It's tied with Seraphina by Rachel Harman.

3.  If stuck on an island, would you rather have books to read or paper to write on?
I would rather have books to read.  I could always write somewhere on the books if I choose to do so.

4.  What's your favorite electronic device/techie tool?
My favorite techie tool is my laptop.

5.  How do you prefer to read books, paper or electronic?
I would rather not read on an electronic device.  I prefer traditional books in all their creative beauty.

6.  What do you think is an important trend in education now?
An important trend in education now is the ability to use technology to make connections and enhance learning.

7.  What is your favorite family pastime?
 My favorite family pastime is playing card or board games.

8.  Favorite snack food?
My favorite snack food is popcorn.

9.  Do you prefer Apple or PC?
I am PC all the way.

10.  Tell about 3 highlights of 2013.
Three highlights of 2013 were attending the Michigan Reading Association annual conference in Grand Rapids, meeting many Nerdy Book Club members, attending the ALA Annual Conference  and Exhibition in Chicago meeting more Nerdy Book Club members, authors and illustrators and living through an automobile accident which totaled my car.

11.  What will be your "One Little Word" for 2014 and why?
My one little word for 2014 is now.  Life is short.  Surround yourself with positive people now.  Look for your dream job now.  Look for the joy in each day now.  Be kind now.  Don't wait.  

Michelle's Questions

1.  What's your favorite quote?  Why?
My favorite quote is When love and skill work together expect a miracle (John Ruskin) I believe that hard work and practice make us better at our particular passion but when love is added good goes to great.

2.  What's your theme song?  Why?
I don't have a particular theme song.  I play different music depending on what I am doing.  Different music inspires different things.

3.  Who inspires you?
Children inspire me.

4.  If you had a weekend (and money was no object), what would you do?  Who would be with you?
I would like to go back to the Library of Congress.  Any Nerdy Book Club friends that wanted to go would be welcome.

5.  What's the best part of your day?
When I wake up knowing I have another day.

6.  Three high point of 2013?
See question 10 above.

7.  Secret guilty pleasure?
I like to eat whipped cream squirted right out of the can into my mouth.

8.  If you could spend time with anyone living or dead, who would it be?
I would like to spend time with my Dad again.

9.  What are you reading right now?
I just finished Salt by Helen Frost.  

10.  All-time favorite book from childhood.
See question one above.

11.  What's your one little word for 2014?
See question 11 above.

Now is the time when I am supposed to nominate other bloggers to participate but I am going to follow Katherine Sokolowski's suggestion on her blog Read, Write, Reflect.  I welcome any blogger who wants an opportunity to allow their PLN or blogging community to get to know them a little better to create a post answering my eleven questions.  Be sure to begin with eleven random facts about yourself.  Let me know in the comments below if you are participating.  Leave a link.  Have fun because you deserve it.

My Eleven Questions For Anyone Who Wants To Join The Fun

1.  What's the best reading experience you've had sharing a book with a child or children?
2.  What's your favorite Newbery book?  Favorite Caldecott book?
3.  Where would be your perfect place to read a book?
4.  What book are you most looking forward to reading in 2014?
5.  What's the most popular blog post you've ever written?
6.  What do you think makes a person rich?
7.  Every day has one good thing in it.  What is the one good thing in your day today?  
8.  What meal do you like to cook the most?
9.  What is your favorite comfort food?
10.  What's your favorite color?  Why? 
11.  What place do you long to visit?  Why?

Thank you all for stopping by my blog.  Don't be shy.  Give this a try.


  1. Love the idea of inviting 11prople to join the challenge! Thanks for responding! We love playing card and board games too!

    1. I thought it was a great idea of Katherine's to invite people. You're welcome. Thank you for inviting me.
