
Saturday, August 10, 2013

August Ten For Ten #pb10for10 Xena's Favorite Dog Books

I simply can't believe that an entire year has passed since I first participated in this event.  Last year I highlighted my favorite alphabet books.  People from around the world share their favorite picture books; listing them in one spot for not only this day but as a continual resource.  I want to thank Cathy Mere educator and blogger at Reflect & Refine: Building a Learning Community and Mandy Robek educator and blogger at Enjoy and Embrace Learning for hosting this fourth annual event.

With more than seventy-five dog books in my personal bookshelves at home with the majority of them being picture books, as this day got closer and closer, I knew I would never be able to narrow it down to only ten.  (Fifteen is as low as I could go.) Each title in this collection is here for a particular reason, the artwork, the storyline or the way a dog features in one or the other or in the combination of both.  So I decided to have my sweet canine companion of almost thirteen years, Xena, pick her current top ten picture books focusing on the best, the brightest and the funniest.

One of my favorite curation tools is  This year I decided to use it to showcase Xena's list.  It not only allows me to add a few extras but provides an easy way for a reader to see them.

Xena thinks this list is woofer-licious.  I do too.


  1. I love a good dog book! Bone Dog is a favorite of mine...and I need to check out Homer. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Bone Dog holds a special place in my heart too, Christina. You are going to love Homer. I could read it again and again. Be sure to check out my links to Elisha Cooper's interviews on the process for making Homer.

  2. Oh my goodness! Xena has good taste! :)

    Homer and Little Dog Lost are two of my favorite dog picture books too.

    I've never heard of I Got Two Dogs. Putting that on my TBR now!

    1. Xena thanks you Beth! We're glad you found a couple of favorites in this list plus a new one to try. But I have to warn you, the tune is pretty catchy. I've been singing it all day.

  3. Margie,
    Hi! Thank Xena for all for her efforts in helping choose the #pb10for10! I want to find out more about the dogs in these stories-especially Togo!

    1. Making these choices really tired her out. She's snoring next to me know. Not only will you love Togo but all the other dog books by Robert J. Blake. They are student favorites.

  4. I wondered if I'd see Homer and Little Dog Lost - two of my favorites from our Mock Caldecott last year. Great choices, Xena! :)

    1. I'll be sure to pass on your praise for her choices. She doesn't miss much. I love those two books too. I think she might have her eye on another one for this year.

  5. Xena sure keeps on picture books. I fill a giant basket with dog books, but there are several titles here I do not have. I love The Great Gracie Chase, Katie and the Kittens, Bad Dog Marley, Good Boy Fergus, Just Dog, Some Dog. I could go on and on!

    Enjoyed the Learnist presentation. I'm going to have to play with that a little.

    1. I love The Great Gracie Chase and Good Boy Fergus too! I need to add them to my personal collection. I have not seen Just Dog or Some Dog. Off to the library. Thanks for stopping by Cathy and for hosting this wonderful event.
      I hope you like I really enjoying using it.
