
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is It April Yet? Part Two

Iditarod poem

Dog poem

Blogger, Travis Jonker, an elementary school librarian, recently posted at his blog, 100 Scope Notes, Children's Literature News and Reviews about a project that he will be using once again during April Is National Poetry Month.  He talks about the book spine poem and will be hosting a gallery of creations at his blog site.   For children of all ages this is an inviting and unique way to introduce poetry or a unit on poetry.  I have been working for the past two weekends with my collection at home to design some book spine poems.  Using either the elementary or middle school collections the possibilities, as they say, would only be limited by one's creativity and imagination. 



  1. Book spine poetry! What a great idea! I love your poems, Mrs. Culver.

  2. Thank you Miss Frank. It's addictive. While reshelving those books I just happened to create another which I will post soon. It is loads of fun.
