Have you ever thought of having a program in your school library for students not yet attending? This article, Chew That Book: Why Babies Belong in Libraries|First Steps, offers some great advice.
It's always interesting to get the inside scoop from authors and illustrators about the path taken to bring their books to us.
Thanks to School Library Journal for these tweets.

To the first person who can tell me the name of the new school library mentioned in this article, I will send a copy of Sports Illustrated Kids--Book of 500+ Sports facts kids want to know! Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)
Thanks to Tasha Saecker, librarian and blogger at Waking Brain Cells, for this tweet.
To me this is no surprise but to others it is,---Young adult readers 'prefer printed to ebooks'
To the first person who can tell me the percentage of young adults who prefer print over digital, I will send a copy of Flabbersmashed About You by Rachael Vail with illustrations by Yumi Heo. Please leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter.

Thanks to author Barbara O'Connor (How to Steal a Dog) for this tweet.
Take a break, listen to episode #159 of Katie Davis' Brain Burps---Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast Visits Brain Burps About Books

Thanks to Julie Danielson, blogger at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast and author, for this tweet.
It still continues to be important to teach our students about digital citizenship skills. You might want to keep this handy---A Visual Guide To Teaching Students Digital Citizenship Skills

Thanks to Donna Macdonald, teacher librarian and technology integrationist for this tweet.
This is a big weekend for independent booksellers and authors.
Lisa Von Drasek speaks about the graphic format.
Here is a book trailer for this week.
All the new lists released this week are a part of Mr. Schu's 2013 Best Books Lists
To the first person who can tell me the top title under the picture book section of The New York Times Notable Children's Books of 2013, I will send a copy of Bully by Laura Vaccaro Seeger. Please send me a DM or leave the answer in the comments below. (This title has been won.)
This video might be useful for an author study of Gayle Forman.

Brothers Paul Reynolds and Peter H. Reynolds have created a beautiful animated poem as a tribute to teachers. Everyone should see this video, Keepers of the Flame. Please follow the embedded link. I did not embed it in this post out of respect for their request.

Thanks to Peter H. Reynolds, author and illustrator, for this tweet.
We have all been missing the completion of the Newbery Challenge videos by John Schumacher and Colby Sharp. Colby is working on placing them all in one spot on Pinterest---Newbery Challenge

Each week, day after day, we connect with like-minded people on a variety of social networks. The importance of these connections has never been better stated than in this post, On Broken Door Handles and Butter Knives.

Here's another amazing blog post about the power of connections with book nerds, Leaving your mark

This week was filled with informative, interesting and fun tweets especially due to the National Council of Teachers of English conference in Boston. Of course my furry friend, Xena, may have had her sneaky paws on my keyboard too.
A blog post checklist #sd33 #sd35prod pic.twitter.com/4qSaKrpnRp
— Cube For Teachers (@cubeforteachers) November 23, 2013
Precious puppies!! https://t.co/ArcEfHnZ3z
— Donna K. (@akgal68) November 23, 2013
Difference between readers and nonreaders? Readers have plans." -@pennykittle #ncte13
— Sarah Mulhern Gross (@thereadingzone) November 24, 2013
. @gaepol shares 3 simple rules to "Feedbacking". #ncte13 #teacherswrite pic.twitter.com/HWoXNC9x6L
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) November 24, 2013
Great questions from @JoKnowles. #teacherswrite #ncte13 pic.twitter.com/NinxO13gPv
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) November 24, 2013
"This is what you and your students need to believe." @JoKnowles #ncte13 #teacherswrite pic.twitter.com/W6mM5xo30S
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) November 24, 2013
If we don't create a love of reading we might create school time readers but we'll have failed to create lifetime Rs. #skillnwill @ncte13
— Kylene Beers (@KyleneBeers) November 24, 2013
"I only learn what my books need by writing." @lindaurbanbooks #ncte13 #teacherswrite pic.twitter.com/9DxYNxC3aI
— Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) November 24, 2013
Put a comic book in front of a nonreader and they won't be a nonreader for long.
— TenNapel (@TenNapel) November 24, 2013
If there weren't so many opportunities for learning here, it would be easier to shut down my Twitter tab!
— Joan Young (@flourishingkids) November 24, 2013
Authors are standing on a pillar of books that have influenced them. -Jack Gantos #alan13
— Kellee Moye (@kelleemoye) November 25, 2013
"I would not have a history of writing if I did not have a history of reading all those great books." --Jack Gantos #alan13
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) November 25, 2013
"Stories are the things that give us courage. They teach us how to be human." Nancy Werlin #alan13
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) November 25, 2013
Which authors must all kids read? The ones they WANT to read. #alan13
— Kylene Beers (@KyleneBeers) November 25, 2013
#ALAN13 Dystopian novels are ultimately about hope. Characters are empowered to escape or change that dark world. @NealShusterman
— JoEllen McCarthy (@imalwayslearnin) November 25, 2013
Books are a cultural necessity and librarians are the hearts of our schools. @BenjaminAlireSa #alan13
— JoEllen McCarthy (@imalwayslearnin) November 25, 2013
"Books don't just matter to middle class kids who read. Books can matter to kids who are struggling to survive." @EliotSchrefer #ALAN13
— Jillian Heise (@heisereads) November 25, 2013
Sometimes I open a book, not knowing what to expect & then - all of a sudden - I'm completely captivated by it. One reason I love books so.
— Cynthia Alaniz (@utalaniz) November 26, 2013
Nonfiction is not something we're trying to inflict upon people. It's just story. It's story that's true. @TanyaLeeStone #alan13
— Beth Shaum (@BethShaum) November 26, 2013
@alybee930 @ProfessorNana Thank YOU both, for the "remember moment," and letting me know!!
— Anne Mazer (@Annemazer) November 26, 2013
@Annemazer @alybee930 My pleasure, believe me.
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) November 26, 2013
@ProfessorNana My mother always spoke so highly of you. She had so much respect for you. @alybee930
— Anne Mazer (@Annemazer) November 26, 2013
@Annemazer @alybee930 Just teared up.She named a character after me in Out of Control. I still have her thank you mote with drawing inside.
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) November 26, 2013
@ProfessorNana I didn't know that! How wonderful!
— Anne Mazer (@Annemazer) November 26, 2013
@alybee930 @Annemazer We old-timers want to make sure a new generation gets to know those we have lost. Thanks. #alan13
— Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana) November 26, 2013
Life is good--cozy reading before Thanksgiving vaca. @brentjpeterson pic.twitter.com/JThxFasv8u
— david etkin (@DavidAEtkin) November 26, 2013
Join @colbysharp & me this Sunday at 8 pm ET for #titletalk, our monthly chat (rescheduled b/c of #ncte13). Topic: #resilienceliterature
— Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) November 26, 2013
Chris is reading Lightning Thief for the first time. Sharing passages with Luke & me with comments, "This is better than the movie." Yep.
— Katherine Sokolowski (@katsok) November 27, 2013
I hate when the plane lands when I'm so close to the end of a book! I only needed 5 more minutes! That's a #nerdybookclub kind of problem.
— Jillian Heise (@heisereads) November 27, 2013
A big congratulations to Jackie French who was just named the Australian Children's Laureate for 2014 and 2015!
— HMHKids (@HMHKids) November 27, 2013
I'm #thankful for my daughters, amongst many other things! Happy Thanksgiving! pic.twitter.com/55P3dE2Wv0
— Jarrett J. Krosoczka (@StudioJJK) November 27, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! pic.twitter.com/BTBETruTh4
— Augusta Scattergood (@ARScattergood) November 28, 2013
— jon klassen (@burstofbeaden) November 28, 2013
Love these. pic.twitter.com/WfjPtbRl99
— Ryan M. Hanna (@rantryan) November 29, 2013
My 8 year old: "Dad, reading is my favorite thing to do- besides T.V." - victory?
— John Hendrix (@hendrixart) November 29, 2013